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Everything posted by RockyMountainHighHorn

  1. A front four with coburn and broughton sounds like a good place to start.
  2. Wait is 0.0 serious or just a joke? I thought you got at least .5 for just being there.
  3. Plus rep for all of the pierogi comments! Oh yeah I’m on page 2
  4. I’ve been enjoying this. Haven’t watched the finale but will tonight. Glad to see there’s a post about the finale not being terrible.
  5. I’m happy that the finale was better than some of the other finales this winter. I’m upset that I’m confused about everything but maybe I’m not? Maybe I get it. I guess that’s the point. Well done sam e..
  6. Let me get this straight-okstate hired a guy from shippensburg...college? High school? Trade school? Then turned that into top 30 offensive seasons. We hire people from Rutgers and look like trash. Sometimes I wish we could hire some young diamond in the rough from a conference like the MAC. Yet we seem to settle on coaches that have been around with good and bad years. Always seems to feel safe, never a swing for the fences.
  7. For the third place game I have a 3.3 point lead(thank you boyd, F off Conner) with mahomes and diggs left and he has Kelce and Boone. On paper, I’d take it any day.
  8. I haven’t seen his stats for this year but they have to be great minus missing some games for the same BS. It’s been surprising that most sites have kept him as the top ranked running back. I know they are only supposed to rank them on skill, potential, size, etc. but it seems like every year there are a few players that are kept highly ranked, you know they probably won’t play or transfer then a year or two later you read an article on the top “busts” and you go, “well, it’s not like you didn’t see it coming”. Always have thought it would be interesting to have a post signing day survey or article from the top coaches on who they thought were the top recruits each year.
  9. Checked the score. What in the flying fuck? Then I thought, am I really surprised?
  10. Saw that Baylor got beat out for a 4 star DE by Virginia. Guess Baylor was expected to sign him for most of his recruitment then picked the cavaliers. Would have been one of their top ranked recruits.
  11. Usually I’m not a fan of all the boo everything on the football board but I’m going to use my one boo card on this. I’m amazed so many that have already posted are giving it thumbs up. I thought it was the worst one of the recent 3. There was even a 5 minute Scene towards the beginning where most of the theater had to shield their eyes because the strobe and flash cuts hurt the eyes. Thought it was choppy and too much chasing and not enough fighting. I’m wondering how many of the people that enjoyed it read the leaks. I know shame on me for reading the leaks but no way you could read them then walk out feeling good after seeing it. Where’s my refund? How can leaks be that accurate?
  12. Traded a van for a ford. An actual headline that isn’t terrible. Bravo bravo
  13. I’m just amazed there isn’t some lower ranked four star linebacker in whatever corner of the country that wouldnt want to play for us over a middle of the pack p5 school. I assumed when you needed someone this bad at a position you would just send and call anyone that is still left. What do I know. I got kicked out of mensa
  14. Charles-the all-time rushing leader for an NFL franchise yet overlooked.
  15. I like the positive outlook from the past few posts. I know losing 6 recruits isn’t great but really all that matters is bijan(and jqj/Broughton). If we get the top running back in the country to pair with Sam and Ingram, I think things will be just fine. Add that to any improvement on the defense plus prayers that we stay somewhat healthy, we should be on the up and up. Bijan is going to be special.
  16. Would the snow storm in kc make you think second about mahomes? Wonder what the stats are like in snow storms
  17. Finished the season- overall I’d say it was pretty solid. I’m happy that they kept the same feel and pace of the show. Definitely not my favorite season but other shows have done much worse this many seasons in. I liked the main plot of this season, thought the new planet was cool. I thought they could have done away with the Marco arc but there’s reasons why they kept it. I still get confused when trying to keep track of all of the characters and what faction they belong to and what they are trying to do. This season only made that confusion worse. Obviously Amos is a huge bright spot till the end. Glad that they now can go so many different directions and it doesn’t have to do with the same theme.
  18. I am taking a look at when the fda added basically cornstarch to OxyContin to make stronger pain killers “abuse proof”. This created a huge increase in heroin use because addicts could no longer get pills to use and the price skyrocketed so heroin was the best option.
  19. Hello! I rarely plug things on here or social media but I feel like this is the time to do it. I posted about this in the “I am an alcoholic thread” so I’m sorry if this is redundant for some of you. Like the title states, I am writing a book and could use some help from the best online community. I have a publisher, two editors, basically everything I need-it isn’t some writing a book on a whim. I have struggled with opiates for most of my adult life. It started with pain killers from a back injury from sports. At that point, I knew I loved the feeling that opiates brought on. I didn’t know that feeling would change my life forever. After struggling with it, in and out of jail, homeless, and so on, I finally got actual treatment (not drug treatment while incarcerated) 3 years ago. I was able to get 11.5 months after that but eventually relapsed. During that sobriety, I was re-introduced to an incredible professor that was doing a business class where students don’t study for grades, they write books so when they graduate they have something to show for their work-a tangible “grade” and leg up in the resume race. He knew my family for a long time and knew my story. He had been affected by addiction with people in his family and wanted me to tell my story partly because it kinda covers a lot of the bases and wants to see change in this often overlooked area of society. At that time, the book was on the general topic of “addiction”. To cut this short, after a couple of relapses, some lucky to be alive events, and a couple new treatments, I am about to get another 6 months sober and started writing again a few months back. I will be publishing in June 2020. Here’s where I need the help of surly. I’m looking to speak with anyone that has been impacted by an opiate addiction. Whether it’s an addict, someone that knows/loves an addict, family friend to someone that has died/overdoes from opiates, anyone that works with opiate addicts, a good therapist that works in this area, a lawyer in this field, etc. If you know anyone, please direct message me. I’m not doing this book to try to make money, when my editor asked what I was trying to do I said,” I want one person to come up to me and say that the book helped save _____ life. Just one life”. That’s my goal and hopefully surly can help as it usually goes. If you don’t know anyone, you can also help by messaging me what you would like to read in a book about this crisis. I got the deal because I have an interesting story so there will be an aspect that is engaging to the reader-kind of a million little pieces-ish-as well as stories of others, some research, interviews and facts. I don’t want it to be too formal and not interesting to read. I know reading on a horrible epidemic isn’t the most “fun” to read so I am asking what people would like to learn more about and what in general would make you pick up a book like this. If you have seen any articles, clips in shows or movies, Ted talks, videos, podcasts, anything like those where you have heard an interesting take or facts about opiates, please let me know. Lastly, if you post anywhere else where people would be willing to help, please share anywhere. Thank you in advance! Any help or just well wishes of encouragement would really mean a lot. It’s difficult enough saying that you’re an addict in recovery to strangers but it’s downright terrifying to broadcast it to the world. Im glad to be a part of this incredible community Im glad to be sober another day. Thank you!
  20. Without having to read the last few pages, did anything happen today? Has it been confirmed Harrell said no or we’re still waiting?
  21. The joe burrow, that is Tom Brady only that he can also scramble? Therefore card is Tom Brady? Nice!
  22. Hadn’t been to this page in awhile but I’m glad I took a look again. I’m the addict that identifies as an alcoholic at meetings for respect and I don’t think we have an addict thread on surly(?). Anyway, just wanted to say that everything that has been posted the past few pages is absolutely incredible. It’s amazing when people post uplifting success stories and when people post that they are struggling. As seen above, the outpouring support that almost immediately happens when someone posts that they are in the thick of it is almost magical. Surly can be such an enigma- a group of people with a common love that spiders out to so many other diverse topics. Anyway, I wanted to post that I just passed my 5 months sober from opiates. I also am halfway done with writing a book on my story and the opiate epidemic. I have a publisher and an editor and all of that-this isn’t a project, it’s a real book deal. I rarely try to plug things but I think in this instance I will. I’m looking to speak with anyone that has been affected by an opiate addiction. Whether it’s an addict, someone that knows/loves and addict, family friend to someone that has died/overdoes from opiates, anyone that works with opiate addicts, a good therapist that works in this area, a lawyer in this field, etc. If you know anyone, please direct message me. I’m not doing this book to try to make money, when my editor asked what I was trying to do I said,” I want one person to come up to me and say that the book helped save _____ life. Just one life”. That’s my goal and hopefully surly can help as it usually goes. If you don’t know anyone, you can also help by messaging me what you would like to read in a book about this crisis. I got the deal because I have an interesting story so there will be an aspect that is engaging to the reader-kind of a million little pieces-ish-as well as stories of others, some research, interviews and facts. I don’t want it to be too formal and not interesting to read. I know reading on a horrible epidemic isn’t the most “fun” to read so I am asking what people would like to learn more about and just what in general would make you pick up a book like this. Thank you in advance! Im glad to be sober another day.
  23. Think he’s a little tall to play center. Might have a lot of balls hit the back of his helmet.
  24. Trying to think of a derka response to that but don’t think he’d even know where to go with that.
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