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Injury Prone

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Everything posted by Injury Prone

  1. Defense is playing GREAT! If Card can’t get a score this next possession, just put Murphy in. Full youth movement. We CAN beat these MFA’s
  2. Ewers will be fine, he’s basically a true freshman, and doesn’t seem to get rattled easily. The future is bright. Replace the right side of that o-line though!
  3. Right side of that o-line is GARBAGE.
  4. Could also be just as simple as coach Flood wanting the non-early enrolled freshmen to be grouped together for more in depth/individual learning purposes.
  5. Didn’t think we could get worse than Todd Orlando/Manny Diaz at D. Coordinator, but here we are SMFH. Fire him at halftime.
  6. Fuck all of this shit. See y’all next year.
  7. The offense goes as the O-Line goes, and the line clearly gets worse as the game goes on. Casey is hurt. It doesn’t make a difference what the play call is when at least 2 defenders are in the backfield every play. We’ll win this game though. 🤘
  8. Alfred Collins should have been starting since the 1st game. No good reason Jett Bush should’ve been getting snaps over Collins. Smh
  9. Where the fuck is the PI call???
  10. I don’t think Pete is the guy to run this defense.
  11. Where was all of this extensive reviewing when OU’s WR ran out of bounds in the first half. Fuck Em. 🤘
  12. STUNT ON THESE HOES!!!!!!!!!!
  13. “I think Zach Evans is slightly more talented of a runner than bijan” I believe this to be false. Zach Evans is faster, as far as straight line speed is concerned. Film will show that Bijan is the more talented ball carrier.
  14. Defense was in perfect position for a tackle for loss. Horrible execution. I hope they wake the fuck up now. 🤘
  15. Time to end the Hudson Card experiment. Time to pull him now before all of his confidence is shot.
  16. It’s the weekend; whiskey, whores & “sources”!
  17. It’s official! Corch is ours. GTFO Herman! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
  18. Why not both!?
  19. May not be a first rounder due to the Longhorn stigma, but a steal for whichever team gets him. Nah, I think his talent may void the stigma for a chance. I believe he’ll go 1st round.
  20. Mack is about to cost me a 7 pick parlay ticket SMFH FMB
  21. Hookers gone hook 💁‍♀️
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