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  1. Damor


    Got my fluid change this morning and I'm good for another 10. Regarding the prep, my instructions were for the Miralax chug, and I'm guessing they default to that because it's cheap and readily available, and so they don't have to deal with stupid insurance companies and denials. Since I have a stupid insurance company and I really don't like or drink gatorade or sweetened/artificially sweetened stuff, I asked my GI to give me a script for the Sutab pill prep. Naturally, my stupid insurance wouldn't cover it, but I found basically an online promo code that cut it down from $187 to like $50. I can't make a direct comparison, but just drinking a bunch of water seems a lot more pleasant than the liquid preps. It was well worth the $50 and I'd probably even cough up the full price if needed. And as for propofol, yes it's perfect for a procedure like this (disclaimer: no nurse paystub). Ask what you're getting, and if you're having any anxiety about anesthesia that's what you want. The lights go out and the lights come back on, no groggy liminal states or hangovers. It's stupid IMO that they tell you not to drive afterward. Due to short staffing they said they were running one room with versed/fentanyl, and I noped out of that right quick. The most difficult thing for me was getting it scheduled, which is why I was overdue. So throw out your own excuses and get this done, it's easy and it's important.
  2. @SimonBolivar As a fellow summer Coloradoan, I do agree that the drive across the NE corner of NM from Clayton, especially now that they have widened the road, is pleasant. When a summer storm blows through, it's quite beautiful, and I dig the volcano as well. Maybe I'm scarred by too many trips home that route, because that makes Amarillo to FW even more bitter and depressing. @Wiler77 Thanks for that. I have never stopped to check out Trinidad because I'm in a hurry to get past Pueblo and into the mountains, but I agree it looks like it could be cool. That said, I suppose it could be -- I never had a clue there was anything cool in Las Vegas NM until I was an adult and decided to stop for the night, since we'd always just rolled through as fast as we could to get on with it. As long as I'm derailing this thread, I'll also put in a plug for anyone going Western Slope instead of Front Range to find a way to stay the night in Taos at the Taos Inn. I always wanted to stay there as a kid because of the awesome neon sign, but never got to do so until I was the dad. Totally worth it, and one of my happy places in this world is having a jalapeno margarita in their front courtyard. Oh, and the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge is certainly... a thing.
  3. Yeah, while nothing on the way is exactly stunning as compared with the scenery once you get there, I can at least find something to enjoy on that route, no doubt fueled by some nostalgia. And the worst part of the drive (Lubbock to Clovis) is at least proportionally short (if pungent). Even Post has its charms. When I was a kid, the other route for us was to go up 35 to FW and then 287 to Amarillo and on. That stretch, especially from Wichita Falls to Clayton, is to me just the most depressing, soul-suckingly endless stretch of practically-Oklahoma that I would go hours out of the way to avoid it, and I'm a guy who loves road trips. And yes, the Allsups are much more plentiful on the former route.
  4. Only been to Golden once (going to fix that this summer), and I was in deep smit. Jealous of the surls who live there, and I find it very tempting if I ever move. Sherpa House is fantastic. Only place I've ever seen yak on the menu (though for all I know it was marmot or something). Mountain Toad Brewing was great. Eddy Hotel is awesome but not on the "budget" thread. Staying there again to see Lord Huron this summer at Red Rocks and taking my kid on CO college visits. Oh, also, we're actually driving up to CB for spring break as well, so we'll be in the Texas plates caravan.
  5. I've driven from central TX to central CO so many times I could do it in my sleep (and probably have). Lots of routes, none of which have a super attractive or world-class place to stay. My current preference if I can do a longer first day drive is to stay in Las Vegas NM at the Plaza Hotel on the downtown square. It's actually pretty badass, and you'll recognize the staircase from No Country for Old Men. A ton of films get made in LV, and the rooms that actors/directors and other celebrities have stayed in have their picture outside. Given the local ties to the film industry, I'd guess the hotel and the adjacent town square would be quite friendly. It's also cheaper, btw, than your usual chain hotel. Eat breakfast the next morning at Charlie's Spic and Span (/noracist). If I don't think we can make it that far the first day, I've taken to stopping in Tucumcari at the Motel Safari. It's a redone MCM type place that is clean, good, and cheap at about $100 per night. The owner/operator and his dog are super nice. They don't advertise it anymore, but you might be able to get the adjoining "family suite" if you call/email and ask really nicely (we've stayed enough that he still does that deal for us). Despite the preponderance of boomers and foreign tourists on Rte 66, the town is at least a little eclectic and friendly along that stretch, and likely much moreso than the rest of Eastern NM and the panhandle. There's not much else going on in Tucumcari, but you can get a good dinner with ample green chile dishes at Del's, and Kix on 66 is a good breakfast diner. The drive in and out of Tucumcari on that route is as desolate as you might imagine, but has some pretty parts if you like the desert southwest. Just make sure you leave town with a full tank of gas and your playlist downloaded. Either of those routes will take you probably 30m out of your way from the route through Amarillo/Dalhart/Clayton, but it's not like you're missing much. Oh, and if you go through Post, stop for lunch at Holly's Drive In.
  6. Got Austin tickets today. Also have tickets for Red Rocks and the Outdoor Festival they're playing the following weekend in Denver... "Say, do y'all drink beer?"
  7. Also, maybe a bit off the theme of the thread, but it works pretty well in cold weather. I'm no chef and no expert in Indian, but I've been working on a simple (and not authentic) Instant Pot recipe for Dal Fry, and I like the current iteration pretty well: 2 tbsp Ghee 2 tsp Cumin seeds 1 green chile 1 onion, chopped 1 can crushed tomatoes (roasted, 14.5oz) 1/2 lemon 2c dal (mixed) (i.e. 1c chana, ½ c moong, ½ c masoor) 5c water ½ tsp turmeric 1 tsp coriander powder 1 tsp red chili powder 4tsp salt 1 tsp curry powder 1 tsp garam masala ½ tsp mustard seeds ½ tsp fenugreek ================================================== Set instant pot to saute mode, heat ghee Add cumin, green chile, garlic, mustard seed When garlic starts to brown, add onion and saute until browned Add tomato and other spices, cook 2min Add washed dal and water, stir Change instant pot to manual, high pressure for 5min 5min natural pressure release Manually release pressure Add lemon juice and serve Adjust spice to your level as far as the green chile, or add other peppers of your choice. Throw it over some rice and toast some naan or porotta from Costco and it's a quick and simple weeknight winner around here, even for those who express dismay at the lack of meat. Plenty of leftovers, too.
  8. Things that make you go Hmmmmm.
  9. Oh, and if the pantry's big enough, put in some outlets and a countertop microwave could live in there. You'll deprive the realtor of the "and just picture your grandkids gathered around the warm glow of this exquisite built-in microwave at the holidays!" spiel, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  10. Y'all CU applicators please keep updating with your experience. It's on the short list for my Jr, visiting this summer (after a Red Rocks show, natch).
  11. Do you have room to put the microwave in an under-counter location, or are you short of cabinet space? That's where ours is and I like it that way, but that was to make sure we had room for double ovens and a warming drawer below the cooktop, all of which I love -- but that was built for our use, not for resale. And I don't know anything about marketability these days, but I think pantries have become pretty standard, and if I were looking at a nice place on the lake, I'd rather see a pantry than a double oven.
  12. Thanks! Somehow I was not signed up for him on Bands In Town. Picked up a couple in Houston, hopefully I can make it, if not I'll offer them up to Surly.
  13. Just paid what was probably a stupid amount for my boys and me to see Stephen Wilson Jr. play about five songs as an opener last night. This was the first opportunity to see him here, so it was worth it regardless. Seriously tempted to pay for a Sunday at Two Step Inn to see him, Sturgill, and a handful of others -- but I so want to see him play a full show at an appropriately sized place. He's so fucking good.
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