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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Damor

  1. Damor

    Old School

    Jealous. I always wanted to have a couple around. I regret passing on an upright Space Harrier for $200 years ago, even though I have no idea where I would have put it.
  2. Thank you, @PatrickMcHorn. Love this thing. I added a few, some beyond TX borders if that's cool. Holly's Drive Inn - Post, TX. Old school drive in burger joint. Chilly WIllie's - Arroyo City, TX. Dive bar with great greasy-ass burgers and onion rings. Route 66 Restaurant - Santa Rosa, NM. Old school diner and greasy spoon, good breakfast. Salman Ranch Raspberry Ranch - Mora, NM. Not a restaurant, but a great road trip stop. If it's raspberry season, these are awesome. Foxy Drive In - Clovis, NM. Greasy burger drive-in (a theme seems to be developing...). La Perla Taqueria/Bakery - Belton, TX. Dumpy, cheap joint with great tacos, amazeballs carnitas, good bakery. Lois and Jerry's - Bartlett, TX. Good burgers and CFS, but I haven't been in a long time as they seem to close randomly and aren't open weekends.
  3. Oh, and spend all your monies at Soaring. Ridiculously expensive but pretty much once-in-a-lifetime awesome ziplining, which included the best parts of the train ride.
  4. All the breweries were great, but I think I liked Brew best. Durango Diner for breakfast. Oscar's is also good. The Western show at the Strater is corny but entertaining, depending on how old your kid is. The bar there is cool, too. The lower Animas rafting is meh. For the same price I got half-day private kayak lessons for me and my boys at 4 Corners, much more fun. Great town, enjoy!
  5. For travel/eats: FOOD/ASSHOLES/LODGING
  6. I didn't care for that either, but I have a 128GB Pixel 2 XL, and thus far storage has been a non-issue (I have over 50% free), especially with the unlimited Photos storage. But I've got an unlimited data plan, so I don't worry about keeping stuff on the cloud instead of local. Battery is still great (had it since launch day), but who knows if that will become a problem in a year.
  7. It did look like the weekend shows were sold out, at Mueller at least. I kind of figured the Alamo might have more stuff going on, though, given that they had Cline put together a lineup of 'reference' movies. I did order my boys the Iron Giant tiki mugs.
  8. Got tickets for Thursday night at the Alamo, hope they'll have some cool stuff to go along with it. I enjoyed the book, and like others said, I'm expecting to be entertained and not enlightened. My 10yo, however, is obsessed with the book and is in a state of frenzied anticipation, as though the Rapture is coming.
  9. Where do these stairs go??? They go up.
  10. For my first Surly post: We're finally finishing moving into a place with room to brew. Got a kegerator, burner, space to ferment, the whole 9 yards. Once I got settled I planned to sit down and read the thread from front to back and get up to speed. So, mind to summarize the whole thing for me?
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