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Everything posted by Dontshootrude

  1. Exactly. And there isn't. If I quit today I'd get 17% of my pay in 20 years. If I stay on and go to 60 I would get 40% of my future salary which would include a bunch of COLA increases and potentially a grade increase or two. When it's all said and done my pension would be 20% of what it would be if I just stay. And that's not figuring in health insurance, and giving that up would be a bad move too. So basically this isn't an offer. If I were 60+ and were retiring this year anyway I might take it, but as other posters have said there is no guarantee they will actually deliver the token bullshit they are promising.
  2. Fed here. This is exactly right. I read the email several times and I came away with the feeling "That's all you got?" I agree to resign later for no actual severance, I lose my health coverage and my pension doesn't start until I'm 60 just like it would if I didn't quit? The tone is like a bully trying to pressure me out, but I suspect they are starting to realize it's going to be harder to get rid of us than what they were promising on right wing media. Fuck you. If you want me out offer me a real buyout or fire me. I'm certainly not resigning and giving up my 17 years of federal service because of a strongly worded email.
  3. Yeah that Smart was a Guadalcanal veteran and a certified bad ass. The Smart we face next Saturday is a sentient enema.
  4. As a Georgia Tech fan this is how they are. They are a stain on the state of Georgia. I hope they left town without killing anyone on the drive to the airport.
  5. Fucking bullshit call
  6. Come on guys. Come back and crush Georgia's soul.
  7. Sorry just now seeing this. We did Ivestor Gap Trail, Tennent Mountain, and Black Balsam Knob Loop. It wasn't very difficult and it was beautiful.
  8. Batch 2. I've heard great things and I can't wait to try it myself. My liquor store buddy also said a 14 year should be released very soon.
  9. Good start to the weekend.
  10. I'm really glad I didn't pay for this shit. Thanks for the link.
  11. https://youtu.be/4IM3TSiSzlE?si=GzQtJkHaFFJn_jQ4
  12. I live in Georgia and joined Wild Fork so I would have a consistent supply of dino ribs, but lately it has been hard finding consistent prime grade briskets here. How many briskets have you ordered from Wild fork and has the quality and size been consistent? Have you only tried their choice or have you tried the prime as well?
  13. Ugh you activated my PTSD with the Delta vibes. We are a long way from that and hopefully we never go back there again.
  14. I'll be smoking a brisket, wings, and pork belly. I'm getting pretty confident at running my new offset.
  15. 60". Full specs here: https://www.workhorsepits.com/product-page/1975t
  16. 24 inches and it is 3/8 inch steel.
  17. After years of smoking on ceramic cookers I've finally jumped into the offset stick burner game. After an 8 month wait my Workhorse 1975t was ready for pickup. I'm learning a lot and having a lot of fun messing up, but this cooker is pretty incredible. Even for a total n00b like me I'm already producing good food after my third fire.
  18. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.add9947?cookieSet=1 Great article on the need for nasal vaccines.
  19. Thanks. I want to reiterate what others have said. This is one of the most interesting and informative threads on the board. Thanks for the contribution and keep it up! You should start a YouTube Vlog and retire 5 years earlier with your patreon money.
  20. Here is an excellent article on the manufacturing process of Paxlovid that will give you a sense of how incredibly powerful Pfizer's manufacturing capability is. https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/making-paxlovid
  21. Sorry for the cancer website but it does a good job laying out the problems. https://www.baltimoresun.com/coronavirus/bs-hs-kaiser-novavax-20210719-brt4fx5zxffzvkp5x53hqspcgm-story.html The huge advantage the big pharma companies have is vertical integration. Just look what Pfizer has pulled off with Paxlovid. There are only a couple of companies in the world that could have pulled that off and started manufacturing at scale as fast as they did.
  22. Their main issues are supply line driven. As much shit as big pharma gets, one thing they do incredibly well is securing supply lines. WIth their tremendous resources you can rest assured that they are going to outcompete root beer manufacturers for supplies.
  23. Unfortunately I know people who are holding out for this vaccine for that exact reason. It would have been helpful to have another option using technology that has been used for decades in other established vaccines.
  24. Will these dickheads ever come to market? If they had swallowed their pride and partnered with a large pharmaceutical company like BioNTech did they would be swimming in $100 bills right now.
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