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Everything posted by Dontshootrude

  1. The reporting on this story reinforces the polling regarding the trust in media: https://news.gallup.com/poll/355526/americans-trust-media-dips-second-lowest-record.aspx
  2. I've heard the recovery from TURP is not fun. I'm glad you are already getting relief. Were you having trouble sleeping through the night? If so hopefully the procedure will give you relief from that as well.
  3. I've scheduled my kids (7 and 5 years old) to get their first shot mid december, and then I'm going to wait 10 weeks to get their second shot.
  4. LOL at that confidence interval on the Dose 1 to Dose 2 group. I'm still shocked the number of participants was that low given the myocarditis concerns in younger males.
  5. I'm very sorry to hear this. I hope she makes a full recovery. What I've always wondered in these rare circumstances is if the vaccine did this what would have happened if they were infected with the virus? That reaction is more than likely caused by the spike protein or the mRNA which is less immunogenic than the viral RNA. The virus has the spike protein along with 28 other unique viral proteins, some of which we know can cause significant reactions on their own, and the viral RNA is more likely to cause a reaction. It wouldn't surprise me if these small percentage of people are in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
  7. Another week of watching a team that makes me want to slam my dick in a car door.
  8. These fucking refs need to DIAF
  9. That was a sick move
  10. Man an interception would have been nice there.
  11. POUR IT ON THEM!!!!
  12. Throw it away!!!
  13. Large study on vaccine efficacy waning out of Qatar published hours ago: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2114114 The bad news: They report only a 20% efficacy against infection 6 months after the second shot, with efficacy against symptomatic infections being slightly higher. The good news: "Meanwhile, BNT162b2-induced protection against hospitalization and death persisted with hardly any waning for 6 months after the second dose."
  14. There are multiple trials on boosters. Israel already published a massive one. UK has released data and I suspect we won't be that far behind. By the end of the month we should have safety and efficacy data from mixing different shots as boosters. That's going to be really interesting.
  15. I'd like to remind everyone the original efficacy against infection cutoff was 50% when the vaccine development and trials started back in spring 2020. I find it really funny that after waning immunity we are still around the initial target efficacy and people are acting like this is some sort of failure. 93% VE against severe illness after six months is amazing by any measure.
  16. That was a grown man run.
  17. Punch it in here and it is ballgame.
  18. That is a good article. This one is pretty good too. https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n2320
  19. The danger of the preprint server just showed up. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.13.21262182v2 https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/covid-19-vaccine-study-error-anti-vaxxers-1.6188806
  20. This is probably purely coincidental, but there was a study published earlier this month that screened the national blood supply (about 1.5 million people) for infection and vaccination antibodies and it was determined about 20% of the population had COVID as of May 2021, which is about what the survey reflects at the time of me writing this post. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2784013
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