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Get ln My Van

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Everything posted by Get ln My Van

  1. We move down to late 20s and draft Ruiz or We move up to top 5 and draft Okudah
  2. Let’s go ahead and post anything involving McCutchin in the Non-Texas recruiting thread from now on. No need to read his name in this thread again.
  3. It's a dumb, emotional, attention seeking reaction to a death. Not one other team did this. Because it wasn't necessary. And definitely not just hours after the incident. How about Mark Aguirre who actually wore 24 for this franchise? What’s a dumb, emotional, attention seeking reaction is being upset about honoring a dead basketball player in a way that has zero affect on you personally. Why care enough to be upset about it? It’s a thoughtful gesture that I’m sure Dirk wanted as well.
  4. Yeah getting worked up about us retiring number 24 is weird. If that’s how the Mavs want to honor Kobe then let ‘em.
  5. The Astros now have the same amount of legitimate World Series titles as the Rangers- Zero. Lulz.
  6. We’ve got ourselves the next (Seattle) Kris Richard, boys. Great hire.
  7. Not that the cowboys haven’t been an asinine organization for the better part of my life, but this asinine. Get it over with.
  8. I assume that’s jimbos son to the right. What a goof fuck
  9. Perhaps, but given this guys history I wouldn’t be shocked
  10. What kinda clown doesn’t play for the state game in his senior year? Lol dude is gonna have to tell his grandkids that he was too much of a pussy to play for state in his glory days.
  11. We will. #2 for Ryan is one of our 2021 commits Billy Bowman. Dude can fly
  12. Anyone know where I can stream the Denton Ryan game?
  13. I like this trade a lot. Opens up possibilities to be aggressive in more trades. Well done, JD
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