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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SDG

  1. If you already bet on Oregon do you win or push?
  2. Pac is currently 4-0 with I think UCLA and Oregon remaining.
  3. On my 2nd breakfast beer. I'm gonna head home to recharge the laptop and watch the early games before going hard in the paint for tonights game.
  4. Sometimes twitter has redeeming qualities.
  5. For some reason I thought you were from Washington.
  6. We all know who Chuck Woolery is. Why did you feel the need to drop the "Trump fluffer" in there? He's not in office anymore so no one gives a shit. Get a therapist and move on.
  7. When I was in HS several of us bought Morehad hats at lids for obvious reasons. today I've learned it's a real college.
  8. How are the schools in Texas doing so far?
  9. someone needs to call at TO soon, I need to go piss.
  10. OT is so much better when it's not your team.
  11. Naw; I'm taking the orange and black one.
  12. Oregon St going full no fucks given.
  13. Exactly; once you're in, just win your games.
  14. Tell me about it. I might have liver failure before tip.
  15. When do we start the B12 B12 chant?
  16. No snakes but definitely a lot of bs give us your money stuff. No more religion talk in the NCAA Turney thread so I'll make sure to look for and comment about my experiences in a daily texan thread.
  17. Pentecostal rings a bell. I honestly liked the people but never paid any attention and it was 20+ years ago.
  18. That makes sense. I don't even remember what the denomination is/was; all I know is that people spoke in tongues and I got dragged around to revivals all the time...
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