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Certifiably Surly
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Drew last won the day on October 5 2024

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About Drew

  • Birthday January 17

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  1. Win a series over the #2 team in the nation.
  2. Saying this like Inside Out 2 wasn't great. If you're saying it was the last great original movie, sure. Same
  3. How did they make her so believable. She's so freaking tiny but she pulls it off(as she did in the last Bond film). And I"m actually down for her vs John Wick. Interesting to see how it plays out.
  4. He already did...his last 2 contracts(at least the last one) was very will priced for his production.
  5. Drew

    F1 - Apple

    Top gun, either one, having a poor plot is not something i expected people to say. It's not Hell or High Water or Sicario...but it wasn't a flimsy plot either.
  6. Drew


    Yeah...like i get it's historically accurate and all. But it's not something they need to fucking do. We know they didn't shave back then...but you got eye candy for a fucking reason.
  7. Drew


    Dame Helen Mirren is bagging 30 year old hotties i'm sure.
  8. "a school that attracts good citizens" Wait what? Lot's of cheating going on there to finish 2nd in the heat with all the benefits and mistakes made by other teams. Silly.
  9. Yeah but what has the SEC done for Aggy? I mean they just let Texas play in the SEC Title Game...and get to the Final Four again...and go out of their way to make Texas the best program in the state. Allowed them to steal their baseball coach coming off their best season ever...and even let them win not 1, but TWO basketball games. Honestly the SEC owes Aggy and apology IMO. How dare they not think of the pooooor Ags in all this.
  10. I was shocked by how funny that was...the bad CGI actually made it even funnier. And the whole it's "2 ounces too heavy" bit and "It was just too heavy right Pip?" as he walked away with his sunglasses got a real laugh. Also that song in that banged more than both her performances. Felt more like the Ariana Grande one she did "My best friends house" skit. I wouldn't mind more Lord Gaga. Jost's deadpan turn and stare off to the camera as he said "just imagine your wife making more than you" destroyed. Sherman is the underrated MVP for me. Mikey Day would be next.
  11. Agreed...it's the ONLY marvel film i'm truly excited for, even though F4 looks amazing. There's always a chance they fuck it up or doesn't hit. Thunderbolts has established characters, some have been in more than 1 movie/show and we already know who they are and what they're doing...this looks like a good suicide squad type film.
  12. Drew


    Spencers still in fucking Oklahoma or some shit. Still saying he'll be there to start Episode 7...maybe.
  13. It wasn’t a shot at any fans. Should have said the ones that are still here. My bad. if I haven’t left the cowboys or rangers after all their years I won’t be leaving Dallas. Even if I have the entire front office and ownership now. I support the players. Not the people above them.
  14. This would be all kinds of hilarious...they'd lose everything. Maybe them aggy players weren't quite as good as everyone though?
  15. It's not "perceived" when Texas beats you and steals your coach from your superior teams. Maybe beat Texas 2 out of 3 times, not lose your Baseball coach, and not lose to Texas in football in the only 2 games that really mattered for them 12 years apart.
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