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Certifiably Surly
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Drew last won the day on October 5 2024

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About Drew

  • Birthday January 17

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  1. Like I said i'm fully on board with it cause...fuck it. Why not at this point. But I absolutely believe Jerry will run this into the ground as long as he can.
  2. Ya'll gotta stop dreaming this shit. Even IF they want to get rid of him, it's at least 2 years before they can. Not just because of his no trade, the cap hit would not just be bad, but cripple them... He's here till the end of 2026 at least. And as the Dak guy here, believe me I WISH he could go elsewhere and get away from this clown show.
  3. And THIS is all it's really about... Jerruh will drag this to the SB if he can and maybe after. He'd announce it at Half time so the entire 2nd half is spent talking about it. BTW I'm in team "fuck it" and bring in Deion for the circus. Go full tilt. BUT the only way that works is if Deion can get a real OC and DC in here. Maybe Zimmer would stay(if people don't hate that) for Deion for a year.
  4. Michelle Yeoh automatically gives it a plus for me...so I'm excited for it.
  5. There's always good and bad cast members...just the last decade had more bad than good ones. I think this current cast is pretty decent overall, just as SNL is pretty decent overall...good highs, some lows...but MUCH Better than most of the last decade plus worth of SNL IMO.
  6. And today, even with the hand wringing, the cowboys, ON THE FIELD, are in a much better situation than the Jets when he was there. It's why most have Dallas as the top landing spot(until you add in the off the field reasons it shouldn't be)
  7. Pretty much...they had awful QB play and while you can overcome mid QB play in the NFL and still be decent(like Pittsburgh), you can't have awful play.
  8. It's pure Rooney rule but that wouldn't be the worst hire. His defenses have ALWAYS been good no matter how bad the offense is, and he never had a real QB when he was with the jets(rodgers was hurt or pretty much done). If they find a good OC(big IF), they could do MUCH worse than Him. I'd rather him than some other old head(Rivera/Pederson ect...) retread honestly.
  9. I felt like it was more the offense and QB inability to find WR's, as had been the case most of the year. With arch you tell fast man to go fast and hit him deep. (i'm not saying go get him, just that I wouldn't hold that against)
  10. Last episode this week right? Gonna binge it now...
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