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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. They’re in the playoffs. If they win tonight.
  2. Go home Tech/Georgia you’re drunk.
  3. Run. The. God. Damn. TD. Play.
  4. Tech was silly there. Didn’t know who to cover
  5. These refs are garbage. Don’t even throw that flag.
  6. Jesus Christ. Just run the ball up the middle. Better chance.
  7. Jesus Christ let them run the fucking play.
  8. And short fields. Turnovers wouldn’t have killed us if they were at least past the 50.
  9. Put the ball on the 1.5. Don’t be pussys refs.
  10. Man the way they’re blowing Georgia for a blown coverage by Tech is obscene.
  11. They won’t unless it a longhorn both helmet
  12. Why are they doing the “Texas/georgia refs” shit? I know Texas fans did some stupid shit. But got the call right. Why is it a diss now?
  13. I dont want to hear shit about Texas “barely escaping” Vandy again. Texas was up 10 when Vandy scored a late TD and couldn’t recover a miracle onside kick. In Nashville. THIS would be barely escaping.
  14. Hahahaha clockwork. they will not overlook anything.
  15. That wasn’t anything special. Not schemed open or anything. It was flat coverage not there end soft spot in the zone.
  16. That 3rd down was when it was over. Easy pick up. if they’re goin to cover like that game is over.
  17. I think we can say Ewers won’t be the worst QB in the SEC title game. it’s at least a coin flip.
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