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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. I felt like it was more the offense and QB inability to find WR's, as had been the case most of the year. With arch you tell fast man to go fast and hit him deep. (i'm not saying go get him, just that I wouldn't hold that against)
  2. Last episode this week right? Gonna binge it now...
  3. I was here after last offseason...when they literally did NOTHING and claimed they were broke. It was the stupidest shit i've seen from an organization. Nope...Sure it'd rid us of Jerry, but he still will listen to Will and some others and let them reel him back a bit. Stephen is going to go full on Dollar Store Cowboys and nickel and dime every fucking thing. They'll be the richest team in all sports and paying everyone minimum wage or less becuase they're cash poor. As for coaches, i don't give a shit. No one is saving them. The ones that could the Cowboys won't interview/hire, or they'll be smart enough to stay away. They'll get another retread to keep them winning 10 games a year...a safe guy like Kellen, or even a fun guy like Deion who might be big enough to tell jerry to shove it privately AND publicly.
  4. Yikes we'll have TON to replace. Know we got guys coming in...and it's a good sign of the state of the program to see so many draftable players going out.
  5. Defense giving up the screen at the end of the first half. the non call holding. not being able to score on first and goal from the 1. yeah fuck all of them.
  6. That screen for a TD before half is the biggest difference. otherwise they’re kicking a FG.
  7. Game. Thanks Ewers. You played like shit when it mattered. add in that fucking non call holding and it was always game.
  8. Whelp 4th Down for the game. Fuck. that 2nd down really fucked they.
  9. I wish they threw these flags earlier. But I’ll take it.
  10. I’ll be honest I thought Quinn was about to be lit the fuck up.
  11. Can’t score too quick if they do. get the TD but don’t Leave too much time.
  12. Ugh we have to score a TD on the next drive. Nothing less. new again that stupid screen for a TD they gave up before half probably cost them the game.
  13. What happens to the Texas red zone defense. Since 4th quarter of AZ st.
  14. Jesus Christ. 2 defenders there and he still get 8 yards. Defense may have done all they fucking can.
  15. Pathetic showing from the defense there. And all because you couldn’t wrap up on 3rd down. can you at Lexus force a fucking. FG.
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