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Tex Pete

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Tex Pete last won the day on November 28 2023

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  1. I do recall people mocking John Mackovic for wearing a navy Texas sweatshirt on the sidelines once. May have been the game he got run over by Tony Brackens and got a concussion. It was right around the same time.
  2. I am friends with one of his teammates on that relay team. They still speak of Lam with a lot of love. Really, no schools wore their colors too exclusively. People just didn't think about it. I almost always wore a Longhorn shirt, but it was white, gray, navy, or sometimes burnt orange. Marketing wasn’t what it is. And Mack does deserve a lot of credit for that here. But in the earlier years, a lot of people wore suits and dresses to games, so those obviously weren’t going to be in school colors. Just different times.
  3. What do they cheer for, other than mediocrity, staving off hunger, and apparently Mardi Gras?
  4. You have to figure that whatever tard was responsible for them being late couldn’t just tell them to turn around and head back. They had to at least march for “parade” pictures. Also, how dumb does someone have to be to plan it so close that they missed getting there in time for the event? They didn’t miss the parade, they just ran out of time. Whoop!
  5. Check out this goat molester. During the NASCAR race, they did a drone shot interview on the tower at COTA. This douche stands up there behind the analysts, going full aggy for the duration of the interview. He did the horns down so long that he had to switch hands. Afterward, they caught him going over to his buddies so they’d know what a sneaky redass he is. Yucking it up and letting his goober bros know that he got dem durn t-sippers good. “Hay Kyle. Dem durn t-sippers may beat us at every durn sport we play against em, by I got dem super gay fairies but good. They sure will be embarrassed by this, probly gonna wanna shake a dildo at me. t.u.’s a buncha obsessed gay homos. Frick them frickers. Hisssssssssss. Whoop! Aggies!”
  6. Seats were already shit-stained.
  7. JJ Joe was probably Baylor’s 2nd most prominent former QB. Was currently on Baylor’s football radio crew as the color analyst. Always seemed like a good dude. Suspected heart attack. Get your hearts checked out, men. Much too young. https://www.kwtx.com/2025/02/26/baylor-football-legend-jj-joe-confirmed-dead-54/?outputType=amp
  8. I haven’t checked in on this thread for a while. Hey, Nick Voinis: fuck Mack Brown! The Minister of Butter.
  9. Their culture is a millstone around their necks. See: fans. Same as it ever was.
  10. That doesn’t mean it’s not still the policy. Elko certainly restricted access to truth.
  11. That shit has nothing to do with football or recruiting. You take a fucking break. I can’t understand the obsession some of you have. It’s insane.
  12. Yep. He’s a salty bitch. He should stick to his dad’s discussions on bass boats in the stadium and secret newsletters.
  13. Thera a whole board for politics. This ain’t it. This isn't new and it’s not a mystery. I hate politics, and I hate people that choose to make everything about pokitics. Fuck yourself.
  14. That’s what happens when you hire Penn State’s uniform designer. He thought he was getting way out there.
  15. I would guess most people wouldn’t have been arrested. Johntay obviously caught someone’s eye. He’s a dumbass. Take this shit somewhere else, dumbfuck.
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