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Tex Pete

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Everything posted by Tex Pete

  1. I have literally never posted in the Cloak Room. For a reason. FUCK YOU!
  2. It’s the exact same bullshit as not letting the reporters provide any information. It’s paranoia and poor sportsmanship.
  3. Not JUST a law school. It’s a law school and boot repair shop. They have to make sure there’s enough demand to keep the doors open. Whole lotta boot goofing going on over there.
  4. The only thing as certain as death and taxes is that aggy fans will crown the backup QB and badmouth the starter to the point of his transfer. Pro-tip: aggy fans are blithering idiots who completely lack the ability to objectively analyze anything related to their school. Ignore every word they say. They'll steer you wrong every single time.
  5. If Elko's skin is as thin as Mack's, that fatass's insides are going to cause a blowout any day now.
  6. And people pat them on the back for being loud, but like our fans, they aren't loud when they play Lamar or Prairie View or Ball State. Not that we would ever play Lamar, Prairie View, or Ball State. They're not loud, so they literally pipe in crowd noise. That place is a shithole full of shitheads.
  7. It was obvious when Elko lied about Weigman being questionable. He was never going to start.
  8. Tarp is furious with Elko because Elko is denying the aggy writers the ability to give readers any information at all. He's killing their business. And yes, he has to be older than 55. He's been at it a long time.
  9. I recall us beating them in 1990 and they claimed the TV showing their huddle tipped us off, causing them to lose. Never mind that we were kneeling the ball to run out the clock inside their 10 yard line at the end of the game. Liars and losers. Excuses are their oldest turdition.
  10. They just thought he was a tomboy.
  11. As you know, this is how they do everything. They insist upon themselves and spout their bullshit to anyone who will listen, then the parrots repeat it until it is the narrative. It is what they did when they got a commitment from Haynes King, what they do when they crow about their awesome fans (who everyone else despises) and gameday atmosphere (fucking weird), when they crow about their facilities, their bizarre traditions, celebrate their "bigger'n da sips" stadium, why they pay mouthpieces like they did with The Atlantic and do with Josh Pate, why they celebrate "Best School" lists, how they puff up their signing classes, and even how they crafted the narrative that "t.u. destroys conferences," when they're actually the root of that problem. They're juvenile, they lie, and their oldest tradition is cheating.
  12. Henceforth, I shall call him “Dummy.”
  13. Reminiscent of David Thomas. I hope to see a lot more similarities as the year progresses.
  14. The bloom on that rose had faded by his graduation, too. We broke their win streak in his last game at Pyle. And of course they were paying players his whole time on campus.
  15. Poor dumb Billy rode the short bus to school. All the other kids on board bullied him every single day.
  16. That was always my favorite shit to talk. Just point.
  17. Elko lied. He was always starting the backup.
  18. From my couch, getting ready for work LONGHORNS!
  19. Uh, we literally just played a road game against the defending conference and national champion.
  20. FCS teams do not require home and home series.
  21. Here's the deal: the SEC wanted Texas A&M to be a big name Texas school that would draw eyeballs and create star power to the west of the conference's prior footprint. Texas A&M has been a colossal flop and failed to deliver anything. The SEC was forced to bring in Texas to bring added energy and excitement and quality football. Texas is who Texas A&M pretended to be, hence their uniforms that emphasize TEXAS and minimize A&M or aggies. The SEC's Texas A&M experiment was nothing but a waste of money with a lot of flash and fury. (with a fake national championship trophy) A&M's chihuahua fans have done nothing but annoy the rest of the conference with their incessant yapping. Maybe the Big 10 would be a better fit. Certainly, the Big 10 has more clothes that will fit their fatass fans and coach.
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