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Tex Pete

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Everything posted by Tex Pete

  1. Not sure aggy is a measuring stick for anything other than a tiny penis.
  2. The better team pretty much always wins.
  3. Trust me, I know. I’ve been typing that all week.
  4. And Herbie said we don’t know if our defense is good this morning.
  5. Dear aggies, You’ll always be little brother. 77-37-5. No arbitrary timeframes, just ownership. You assholes tried to blow up the Big 12 and then whined and blamed it on us. You assholes tried to derail our move to the SEC because you were desperately hoping we wouldn’t shine the light on your utter failure. You accomplished exactly jack shit in the years following Justin Tucker’s dagger into your hearts. You’ve spent the last two years touching yourselves at the thought of this game you screeched and cried to the SEC to get at Kyle even though it should have rightly been in Austin this year. You’ve run your mouths the whole season, as if you’ve won anything of consequence. We gifted you 3 times and you only got 7 points off of those gifts. You gave it your best shot and it’s this?! The only thing intimidating about Kyle Field is the halitosis from 100,000 screaming Aggies. Our history proves it’s not any tougher a place to play for us than it is for you. Almost a 15 year head start and y’all have yet to play for an SEC title. But here we are in year one. Poor aggies. Now shut. The fuck. Up.
  6. Cloak room is somewhere else.
  7. He has to parrot all the sec whining. You know, since it isn’t actually a grind every week.
  8. It’s just part of the aggy mystique. “We got more speakers than you, stupid sip. Whoop!”
  9. Saban correctly pointed out that they pipe in noise. Goobers.
  10. And refused to take responsibility for killing those kids.
  11. Have they brought up throwing horse shit into our band yet? Good bull. Good bull. Not feeding our football team? Good bull. Good bull. Calling them and keeping them up all night? Good bull. Good bull. They’re so classy.
  12. He’s mocking them because they’re weird as fuck. Obsessed doesn’t even begin to describe them.
  13. You’re a complete fucking clown. You have personally shit all over this thread. Stop using drugs.
  14. We already destroyed the conference.
  15. Well, aggies never shut the fuck up, if that’s what you mean.
  16. From 16* farm country in the Midwest LONGHORNS!
  17. Oh, look. The totally not obsessed infantile pieces of shit are back. Hopefully they didn’t commit burglary and thousands of dollars of vandalism this time.
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