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Tex Pete

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Everything posted by Tex Pete

  1. No, bitch. I went to Texas. Fuck yourself and your aggy trash family.
  2. Of course y'all can. We are fairly evenly matched and a lot of things can happen before and during the game.
  3. The fuck it doesn't. I constantly hear fans of lesser SEC teams, including Florida, brag about the accomplishments of the conference. That shit doesn't fly here.
  4. I have commented on the board before that after Mack put his feet on his desk in 2006, he basically "recruited" by taking the word of $9.95ers on the talent of recruits. I spoke with Manny Diaz several times as he was recruiting a player in my hometown. I pointed out another player who would have been an improvement at Texas and he agreed with me and said that he had told Mack about the kid and wanted Mack to at least take a look at him, but that Mack had settled on his guy, a player from a big name HS that ultimately was mediocre here. The other kid went to a smaller school and was all-conference as a freshman. One of Manny's fellow assistant coaches remarked that he had gotten film of several players to Mack so Mack could evaluate them, but Mack would never watch the film. And he would not let his assistants make offers to players he had not watched film on and approved of. So, Mack was fucking his own program by being lazy, while at the same time telling $200 donors to pay their money and shut the fuck up. Fat, stupid motherfucker.
  5. Most of us hate everyone not Texas. I don't get this conference brotherhood bullshit. hth
  6. You must have aggies in your family. Or you are one.
  7. OU is our main rival. aggy is like a dog turd you stepped in while walking across the yard. It won't really hurt you, but it's embarrassing and a big hassle to deal with.
  8. You should see a dietician and maybe a personal trainer to help you get down to normal size. Life's too short to make it shorter with poor eating habits and overall health issues.
  9. Of course the name changes were done because the UIL is run by UT. Nothing in the name of the UIL would indicate so, and Texas doesn't manipulate the UIL in any way, but the people who run Texas A&M have always had Tiny Dick Syndrome and just have to show people how tough, powerful, and manly they are.
  10. He also was never planning to take the aggy job.
  11. You’re giving them far too much credit. I think that was an expectation of the hire initially. They had moved beyond Elko in the search process. They were hiring Stoops. I believe Stoops may have intended to retain the D-staff. Then, everyone mocked aggy hiring Stoops. Everyone was laughing at aggy for hiring Stoops, their fanbase threw such a fit that either Bjork panicked OR the decision was taken away from him, so they had to turn him down after he had accepted the job. At that point, it was such a shitshow that they had to immediately hire someone else to save face. There was no real negotiation after that. They desperately called Elko and HAD to hire within an hour or two. I don’t think he agreed to their weird retention demands. He was the desperation hire. They fucked the whole process up every way possible. Elko was their last choice, and because they fucked up so badly with Stoops, he didn’t even acquiesce to what they wanted to do. They both ate the shit sandwich and liked it.
  12. Awesome match! We’re on a roll and coming for back-to-back titles. Hook ‘em!
  13. Well that must be a sad, stupid motherfucker. My dog got an acceptance letter to aggy and he’s only 11.
  14. If the discussion never touched on band; you just not have ever met an aggy. They always “win” halftime, don’t ya know.
  15. They’ve never been in touch with reality, hence their terrible case of little brother syndrome. Yes, we have more donor support. Yes, we have more alumni support. Yes, we have more of a national fanbase. Yes, we have far more money. No, we don’t need to tap into the PUF. Douchebags.
  16. It’s already up. Not sure why he’s wearing #10.
  17. At A&M, the ROI in the band program would be pretty bad. They damn sure aren’t changing shows or uniforms…ever. It would probably go about as well as things are going with football. These idiots…
  18. They would be better off selling their assets and cancelling their football program, putting all the money into their band choreography and uniform design budget.
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