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  1. That sounds great rd. Personally I have vowed to never do a day of work again.
  2. These are the things the oncologist doesn't mention 🥵
  3. Uh, the cancer is already in my anus, I'm not sure I agree with your suggestion.
  4. It's going to be a disaster
  5. At the video store around age 10, my mom picks up porky's and is like oh this one is funny you'd like it. I did indeed like it.
  6. I am not one to audibly react to the television but I shouted a big fuck you to yas at the engagement announcement. I'd much rather deal with Harper's crazy than yas.
  7. CFS is one of those dishes that is just hard to replicate at home, the crust is always a bit soggy (just my experience). Damn good looking effort though Cajun.
  8. They deserve all of this for how much they hated Bean last year.
  9. Google fi plans include international data and have always worked great for me. I did use a 60 day supplemental esim from airalo in western Europe earlier this year that worked fine as well. I am on the cheapest plan with only 1gb data and forgot to bump up the plan before I left. I just turned Google fi data off and set data to sim2. Voice and text still worked through sim1.
  10. It's the weirdest obsession on this board
  11. Two weeks in the hospital, got out this afternoon. I've been blasting/dribbling liquid out of my ass every 1-3 hours for 3 days with no end in sight. I know this will be worth it in the end but right now my butthole thinks I'm a real jerk.
  12. I'm not the wordsmith RDC is so I'll keep this short. Asking another person to wipe my ass because I couldn't reach that day is the most humbling experience of my life. It honestly emboldened my connection to society and appreciation of the rarely discussed kindness of humans.
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