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Everything posted by seven

  1. Watched this recently as it was the only Kubrick film I hadn't seen. Loved it.
  2. I have been a huge McAvoy fan since atonement
  3. What would your family think of your posts? I bet they wouldn't at all be surprised you get hard thinking about shooting migrants
  4. Onboard is not a closet racist, if you have read his posts the past few years you'll know he's an out in the open racist.
  5. Yeah, I know a dude that reported the income from his hobby job instead of his day job so he could live in a subsidized low income unit in a downtown loft. 5 years later and he's irate at all the socialists trying to make hard workers pay for leeches
  6. It was a brilliant strategy, he did this for dozens of markets and when he got big nationally he had a built in radio audience that considered him somewhat of a local guy.
  7. Again, you're confusing working class with conservative. And I don’t get this "hoodwinking" narrative, just because a comic might play better to a particular crowd doesn't mean they are tricking the audience. I really doubt the Larry the cable guy fans don't understand that his stage persona is a character. I just think you're coming at this from a very condescending pov just because it's not your style of comedy. If you want to bag on how bad conservative humor is, check out the recent "conservative snl" piece that had charlie kirk hosting and a slew of wtf sketches that include kid rock as a liberal being triggered at a picture of the signing of the dec of independence. https://freebeacon.com/blog/snl-for-conservatives/
  8. You're confusing working class and conservative. The other acts aren't my thing, but Ron white is fantastic and if you think he's for mouth breathers then you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
  9. None of those are conservative comedians. And Ron white is one of the best in the business.
  10. Loved his hbo show when I was a kid. Watched a few on prime or hbogo a year ago and it didn't really hold up. Wasn't terrible though.
  11. I've never read a daily caller "article", this thing was written for 10 yr olds.
  12. If someone were to Google "Kristy Swanson naked", that person might also learn she appears to still have sand in her vag from a 1992 playboy photo shoot.
  13. A concrete border wall would all be 10' sections of precast as well, they wouldn't be forming and pouring anything except the footing. That said... 500' of footing a day is already too ambitious.
  14. The actor is separate from the character.
  15. I like this show. Really dislike the Joel actor though.
  16. I know there has been a bit of username confusion with regard to cajun, but is this the same guy who bragged on shaggy about arming himself with a baseball bat and driving around town with his friends looking for fags to bash?
  17. Add a few lines and a 3 hour edging session and you just described my normal Thursday evening.
  18. I used to play baseball in a KoC league as a kid. Had no idea they were a catholic organization.
  19. The overly dramatic reenactments are really bad, but the rest of the content is very interesting. Docs in general should stay away from reenactments, the thin blue line is the only one I can think of that did it well and those were pretty minimal.
  20. Agree. First game that the story actually hit me in the feels like a movie.
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