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Everything posted by seven

  1. I'm going to start negging those that reply to the VERY SMART MAN
  2. Yeah. He is a horrible little person with horrible backwards ideas, but he had slightly more honor than trump
  3. Yeah, I saw some data yesterday that said basically democrats are at 86% with black felons and trump is at 60% with white felons. And neither really care about voting. I don't expect this to really be much of a factor.
  4. You idiots getting sucked into another tjhooker suckfest should reevaluate your lives.
  5. Liked slow burn as well. I was in high school during Lewinsky and barely paid attention beyond cigars, penis curves and blow jobs.
  6. Ah shit, you're right, I wasn't even counting the beginning.
  7. Just voted for Claire, medical marijuana, and 3 tax increases. Feels good
  8. Stumbled upon a klan meeting in the middle of the woods last night
  9. I may be getting posters mixed up but wasn't zork the one who continually posted the "Obama forces women to look at his erection on a plane" video?
  10. This is ridiculous Hugo, good grief
  11. Oh yeah, well we have more lunatic people willing to swallow spoon fed propaganda! - people who brag about fox news ratings
  12. And you're equating gab getting their hosting pulled with "fighting back with more violence"? Have you been drinking?
  13. I don't understand the complaint, you're mad at twitter for banning hate speeching right wing trolls and also mad that twitter didn't ban a specific hate speeching right wing troll?
  14. Not a Texan, are there any changes to early voting from 2014?
  15. The only tedious activity that really bothers me is cooking crap one at a time, give me a cook all option.
  16. Lindsay literally said Republicans would start to manufacture this stuff
  17. One even tried to tie a scotus case on this to effecting the abortion debate l
  18. Lots of the train stations and stagecoaches aren't near a stables, so you have to steal some shitty horse to go anywhere. That's one of the bigger gripes I have about the game.
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