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Everything posted by seven

  1. What status and privileges do you think "real" women should enjoy?
  2. If you have opinions that will get you labeled a racist, homophobic, etc. And you don't want to be labeled those things, then maybe take a shot at reevaluating your opinions.
  3. Because the entire left is marxist communist socialists
  4. As a lib, I have always enjoyed listening to the arguments of the right and used to enjoy rush a few times a week. The bullshit is strong and would make me chuckle like a tahoe post. It's absolutely unlistenable now though. He was not fond of trump during the primary but has gone total alex jones "everything is a leftist plot" now. And not in the entertaining alex jones way.
  5. Or letting brown people cross the border
  6. for the record, i don't believe in socks. have never used one and never will. but you're still a racist
  7. I've never really wanted to ban shotguns, but if hate wants to I won't get in his way
  8. Restricting abortion to only raped women and only within 6 weeks is fairly extremist
  9. No no, abortion is already illegal for those sluts
  10. But it's murder at that point, isn't it?
  11. Just wondering, what punishment should a raped woman receive for getting an abortion in week 7?
  12. Two things: 1) I won't comment on what people "should" do or how they "should" behave after a traumatic event. 2) a large number of rapes aren't reported or even talked about with other people
  13. I have no idea, I'm not a woman that has been raped, are you?
  14. Most women don't even know they are pregnant until 6 weeks at the earliest.
  15. Personally I blame trump voters but I guess that's just simple ol' me
  16. I have a similar viewpoint. As long as a person is competent and thoughtful in their votes it does not bother me if they don't fall where I would hope. Borking Bork was extremely important because he was obviously a man of very low character. I have no confidence in this particular president and senate to insure whoever is nominated will be competent and thoughtful.
  17. So this is now the thread where voluntary trump voters blame other people for trump being president?
  18. I do not believe you should have to pay dues to a union you don't belong to, so I agree with this ruling. As far as the existence of public sector unions, I support the right for workers to act in and advocate for their best interests.
  19. The pizzagate smokey the bear I believe
  20. I support the aclu, and have talked several non-voters or rare voters to register for midterms. I'm also going to vote straight ticket Democrat the next two elections. I usually vote for the challenger down ballot regardless of party.
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