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Everything posted by seven

  1. I have no idea, I'm not a woman that has been raped, are you?
  2. Most women don't even know they are pregnant until 6 weeks at the earliest.
  3. Personally I blame trump voters but I guess that's just simple ol' me
  4. I have a similar viewpoint. As long as a person is competent and thoughtful in their votes it does not bother me if they don't fall where I would hope. Borking Bork was extremely important because he was obviously a man of very low character. I have no confidence in this particular president and senate to insure whoever is nominated will be competent and thoughtful.
  5. So this is now the thread where voluntary trump voters blame other people for trump being president?
  6. I do not believe you should have to pay dues to a union you don't belong to, so I agree with this ruling. As far as the existence of public sector unions, I support the right for workers to act in and advocate for their best interests.
  7. The pizzagate smokey the bear I believe
  8. I support the aclu, and have talked several non-voters or rare voters to register for midterms. I'm also going to vote straight ticket Democrat the next two elections. I usually vote for the challenger down ballot regardless of party.
  9. Big day for known racist, johnny trustfund
  10. No truth, no service Know truth, know service
  11. That's a lot of scat porn for one individual to purchase man
  12. Trash season, but I'll give 3 a chance. Hopefully the writers learn from the criticism like Mr robot did after a dreadful s2.
  13. Statements like this just show your fundamental misunderstanding of how taxes work.
  14. I'm guessing this isn't the first time this has happened, that's why sarah was so understanding.
  15. Even the guy who dips on airplanes is disgusted with trump.
  16. yeah, that was humiliating
  17. as far as conspiracy theories go, i consider this one very interesting
  18. Yup, this guy totally would have voted for Bernie, no doubt about it
  19. Why do the resident incels love trump so much? (serious question for the incels)
  20. I think cruz has a better plan. The dem bill (from what I gather) clumsily places a blanket ban on doj or dhs removing a child from their parents. Seems to be some significant concern about unintended consequences.
  21. Yes it is, it's been quite obvious.
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