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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Surly must be getting soft. I fully expected several fire everyone threads.
  2. \m/ All the best in the NFL and life K!
  3. \m/ All the best Q!
  4. My business partner finally took his fam to this beautiful place. They loved it. That said he's got video/sound of the coyotes one night. It was a party with some very loud cackling. His wife and kids were shitting bricks, lol.
  5. shit i read TIGER and thought wtf does an LSU fan care...who the hell thinks of Clemson. fk me.
  6. He's so cringe isn't he? He has one of the most punchable faces ever. Dude just looks like a pedo. I hate that he leans to the right.
  7. when are yall gonna build those statues for Les and Ed?
  8. Branch was my top WR out of high school. Bust? I'd like him in Austin if not.
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