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Certifiably Surly
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5137 Surly 10%

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  1. I had a meeting in Lake Charles last week. I stopped off at Steamboat Bill's. They were just ok, they have been better there in prior years. Where else in that town should i have gone?
  2. Williamson county gonna Williamson county
  3. There is no hyperbole in this thread at ALL! We are doomed in the goat ass. Seriously! Believe me! I know what I'm saying. No, really though. Why don't you see it? Its obvious as fuck. I'm educated and you are high functioning retard that should shut up before the rest of shame you.
  4. https://www.kxan.com/investigations/new-charge-filed-against-son-of-buc-ees-co-founder/
  5. This thread got me thinking and I thought to myself, let me look up hot bitches over 60 so i can post the link and laugh at these assholes. After a few hyperlinks of viewing beautiful women over 60, I've changed my position. Fuck all you that think 60 is young, its old as fuck. Google those old whores yourself. Damn it!
  6. especially that...comi here, big time. hell i bet I bleed vodka
  7. this thread brings the lulz
  8. i've left for a year or two at a time but my family has been in this area since 1590's...you all can leave I'm home.
  9. Quit calling it the bird! It's the middle finger!! -birds unite
  10. i shouldn't be on this site.
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