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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RollLeft

  1. shit i read TIGER and thought wtf does an LSU fan care...who the hell thinks of Clemson. fk me.
  2. He's so cringe isn't he? He has one of the most punchable faces ever. Dude just looks like a pedo. I hate that he leans to the right.
  3. when are yall gonna build those statues for Les and Ed?
  4. Branch was my top WR out of high school. Bust? I'd like him in Austin if not.
  5. I'm sure, hard pass. No ass, no tits, no calves. I once went out with a tomboy hotter than that. ...not to mention
  6. I used to just go to Youtube and easily find it, not anymore. What gives? Where do i find Sark pressers now?
  7. I love how at :12 it is that moron Dewberry that is trying to pump up the team only for the camera to pan over to tickle me Elko whos face is like who the hell are you and where have you been all season??
  8. every time i think of ou/norman i now think of this dumb fkn song...my girl introduced it to me. pisses me off. damn hicks.
  9. yeah but its really windy there and you know why
  10. No one is expecting Arch to sling it. Everyone knows that when he comes in, it's more than likely a run.
  11. No one is expecting that. That is the point and why you do it.
  12. Fuck bringing in Arch for a run. Let him sling it, first play.
  13. I'm envisioning how that went and am chuckling. You bastards made me hungry.
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