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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. 34 minutes ago, troph said:

    Jesus I love the guy and do think he’s a leader but this speaks more about how slobbish and unthoughtful some of the guys are more than anything. Some kids were at the house yesterday and doors left open and things left out. I closed all the doors, can I have a press conference (and an NFL contract) saying how amazing I am because I closed the doors? 

    you had most of the Surly at your home yesterday?

    • Haha 1
  2. On 10/26/2019 at 12:16 PM, Hate said:

    For store bought tortillas, these are pretty damn good.



    I would take the recommendations above as far as finding the Mexican neighborhoods.  It shouldn't be too hard to find a paneria to get some tortillas from.  If you keep them in the refrigerator, they should last a couple of weeks.  As far as corn or flour, Henry James nailed it with his post above.  Corn tortillas for breakfast tacos is an awful idea. 

    These uncooked ones are the best HEB has to offer. They are next to the biscuits. Better than their fresh baked, imho.

  3. 1 hour ago, hornmpa96 said:

    The Texan in Schulenberg has become my fueling stop going back to Houston from South Texas. It has the benefit of being across the Highway from a Whataburger so I can order online while filling up. Massive time-saver.

    Team The Texan...same shit (and amount of shitters) better quality and prices

  4. A man once walked into my home thinking he'd arrived to "insert whatever realtors do".  I asked politely who the fuck he was and why he was standing in my house.  He mumbled realtor and something else, I don't recall, as I proceeded to my home office to get my bat.  As I headed in that direction, about 10 paces, I instructed him that he should get the fuck out as I'm certain he was mistaken as to where he should be and that if he was still standing in my home by the time i reached my weapon, again a bat though he didn't know, I would take his choice as an act of aggression.  It all transpired in about 30 seconds.  The mfer left.  I suppose I could have gone for my piece or a bigger piece, though it honestly never crossed my mind to reach for my gun.  I have considered that moment several times.  I suppose the outcome could have gone down so many different ways.  I certainly could have blasted that dude.  I didn't know his intent.  He was already in my home.  Imagine if had a history of being assaulted.  I'm certain at least my experience may have played a factor there.  It's hard to know.  I reserve judgment without all the facts.  If that were my daughter I'm not sure I would suggest she be as patient.     

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