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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. 9 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    We know that's not what you "said", but it's the truth about the man.  Although, technically his current indictment is state-based, but the federal one is coming over summer.

    I'll be the first to say I don't think Biden is doing the absolutely, amazing job that many on this thread think he's doing.  But he's doing a pretty good job, particularly given the fact that all that QE free money finally hitting peak circulation combined, supply chain choke points, with pent-up spending demand during Covid, all culminating at the same time was inevitably gonna lead to higher inflation and then higher interest rates.  Last I checked, automobile gasoline pricing was based on crude oil pricing, which is a global commodity beyond the control of any one head of state, by design.  His most master stroke is Ukraine, and it's the one least talked about, which makes it his master stroke.  and I think he's a solid guy.  I bundled and voted for him in 2020 and will do it again in a heartbeat if he's facing off against Trump in 2024.  Mostly what I'll do is spend primary season stoking Trump's RNC opponents to attack him as much as possible until some idiotic MAGA lover decides the only way for Trump to guarantee victory is for his leading primary opponent to get taken out by a lone gunman.  

    This is about his indictment so Trump will continue to grift off the arrest.  He'll be indicted again for the Georgia election fraud and then again for stealing and passing classified documents.  It'll all hang over him during the election cycle.  He won't be tried for any of them (possibly the current Manhattan case, at least initial trial proceedings).  A handful of folks around him will take plea deals, including up to one of his children.  Backed into the most serious corner of his life, he will begin to act out even more cravenly than ever before.  He will begin making outlandish claims of anticipated voter fraud in PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ, and a few other swing states.  This will begin to exhaust all but his most staunch supporters.  The non-stop campaigning, lying, and grifting will cause the tub of shit to die of natural causes in September or October of 2024.  At which, two new issues will arise for our political process:

    1.  Does his VP ascend to the top of the ticket with great sympathy from the American people, and possibly win the general?  Does the RNC go back to the primary/nomination process real fast?  Does MAGA nation just vote for him anyway, assuming he's operating a government-in-exile, and still very much alive, with JFK Jr.?

    2.  Does his base accept his death or violently lash out, wrongfully assuming it was the work of the Deep State to prevent his ascension back to the Oval?  

    Tl;dr. We don't need an indictment to know the type of scumbag he is when we have him on tape PRIOR to his election saying, "...just grab them in the pussy".  If you voted for that piece of shit then what does that say about the alternative.  A couple of things.  We have some idiots who vote R no matter the man, some people who don't care about "the man" and lastly the alternatives suck for many.  

  2. 4 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    Would you care to offer any examples of how his administration did a better job with anything than the current one?  How did he do with rolling back executive orders mandating safety measures for the railroad industry for starters?  

    No.  How he did on that issue is, horrible.  He made many many stupid fucking decisions.  Does that make you feel better?  

  3. 1 minute ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    Show your work.  This is a moronic position. 

    Why can't you be content in knowing that I'm a moron and simply move on?  Its not like anything i say you will be open to.  You probably have your retorts locked and loaded.

  4. Just now, Red Five said:

    See post #1637.

    You read it.  Then tell me what the subject of the sentence is.  

    Just now, Pig Bellmont said:

    You must love rampant unemployment, government bailouts to cover terrible import tariffs and trade wars, cabinet level corruption, needlessly separating and detaining immigrant children from their parents - oh and being absolutely opposed to democracy complete with an attempt to aid in a violent overthrow. Cool. 

    Obviously.  I seem to love racist asshole who grab vagina's also.  All because i don't fall in line with some of you. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    If you prefer the twice impeached, under federal indictment, coup-attempting, racist asshole, then.....

    I don't, thats not what i said. Read better.

    1 minute ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    You're a goddamn idiot.


  6. Just now, atomheartbevo said:

    And yet somehow there is a thread about Trump being indicted for fucking up the payoff to a porn star and stealing classified documents and trying to overturn a Presidential election. 

    I'm not sure where the thread is about Trump being indicted, but somehow all of that, particularly the latter two, seem far worse than anything Biden has done.

    Biden is a better man than Trump.  The bar is not that high.  What does that have to do with Trumps administration vs Joe's? I did say Trump had this shit coming did i not?

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Longhornfan1024 said:

    You seem like you're stupid.  

    Don't get emotional. 

    10 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Wait, you think 45 did a better job than Biden?  Are you fucking kidding me?

    As shitty as it sounds, I do. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Knighthawk said:

    Hell I don’t know where to put this … certainly not football related and it’s not bashing aggy.  Just the opposite.  Watching the masters pre-game on golf channel and they did a story on Sam Bennett. Golfer at aggy who won the us am last year.   Crying like a baby.  His dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at like 45 years old and died a couple years ago and the kid goes on to win the us am last year.  Don’t know if I can root for him in the future but sure as shot not going to root against him.  Carry on … 

    Long neck Memes

    • Haha 8
  9. 1 hour ago, Newdoc said:

    Before y'all all go fatwa on the company, it is a minority (non white) run company who claims a former employee copied the employment ad then added racist language. "This job posting was neither authorized nor posted by Arthur Grand or its employees. A former employee took an existing posting and added discriminatory language, then reposted it through his own account. The moment this was brought to our attention, we worked with the job portal to remove this offensive job posting. Necessary legal action has been initiated against the job poster."

    So while there is plenty of prejudice and racism left in the workplace, this company may not be a source of it.

    Eye Wink GIFs | Tenor

    • Haha 2
  10. 9 hours ago, South Austin said:

    Fuck if I know, but seems unlikely that all of these deaths are folks simply getting so high that they wander to the lake and fall or hop in. One or two? Maybe. This many? Seems like something more is going on.

    Doesn't this phenomenon happen in New Orleans also?  There is an inordinate amount of people that somehow make it over to the river and fall over drunk and drown.

  11. 19 hours ago, Chewbacca said:

    I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around what is going on at CU right now.  It's unreal.  Not only is the spring game sold out, but it will be televised by ESPN.  That's certainly never happened.

    Must be the answer to the prayers of the retaliating, ostracizing, regarded, religious nuts that have sanctioned the event.  At least according to @Hermanator

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