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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RollLeft

  1. No that is a tranny that identifies as a cheerleader.
  2. or “The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” – Samuel Johnson
  3. ...but the Nazis! Nice, now your "fellow man" who chooses to not get involved in politics is a coward and should be the target of contempt, for not getting involved, because from that inaction people suffer and die. Listen to yourself. You sound as hyperbolic and extreme as the idiots that stormed the capital for Trump and the morons on the opposite end of the spectrum all rolled into one. That you define political apathy as a "fuck you" and that it is reprehensible is so you. That bad man that doesn't think like me, he bad. He must be a bootlicking Nazi lover. Ha!
  4. Not it does not. Being on either side and mocking the other while insisting on your point is "right" is the fucking problem. Furthermore, your thinking that because he doesn't share your worldview he somehow sees the world as "ideal" and "has no need of betterment" just goes to show how binary your thinking is.
  5. I'd normally say good luck to the kid, but saying "OU feels like home" gets a nice go fuck yourself B.
  6. I'm with you on not hurting others but... its a fkn joke for some of you dullards
  7. ...and fuck open carry. Keep it to your private property.
  8. you had most of the Surly at your home yesterday?
  9. Why are we still talking about this jag?
  10. I was thinking this thread was aboout George...
  11. These uncooked ones are the best HEB has to offer. They are next to the biscuits. Better than their fresh baked, imho.
  12. paythatmanhismoney.gif
  13. Team The Texan...same shit (and amount of shitters) better quality and prices
  14. So...was it an old-school Amway pitch or new school crypto MLM?
  15. Retweet, retweet, retweet to Billy and their recruits!
  16. He's got fkn Nissan Sentras to sell mfkr!!
  17. Wonder if he'll take a giant shit on corn like he did Texas? Obviously someone elses NIL >Nubs>tx
  18. Different strokes for different folks?
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