Well, look a the big brains of Brad, Chad, and Bryan. Please by all means continue to inform us of "the state of things" in Mexico from your recliner in Pflugerville. I think Pig takes the cake of generalizations on this one, JFC.
By all means, leave out that here in our own country, 800k go missing each year, that's 2500 a day. BUT BUT BUT ROLL only 4000 of their dead bodies are found each year. Do you know how many violent abductions there are of Americans in Mexico each year? 350+ (another 300 drown or croak of old age) And don't give me that underreported shit. Maybe Mexico underreports their own but God forbid they underreport the death or abduction of Tom Dick and Jane Smith. Not happening because see this thread.
I'd bet that these people in the van were buying prescription pills in bulk and got caught up between two groups, rival sellers. I've said it before. Don't start none won't be none. Of those 300+ American abductions mentioned most were primarily due to somehow being near or around Cartel activity. Let me connect the dots. While you make think Cartel activity is everywhere it is not. It is concentrated on the border, and in parts of Mexico. While it is the sensationalized and easy story we like to read about our neighbors to the south it is as apparent/prevalent to the average citizen their, in most cities, as the crimes/criminals in your local bad part of town.
I'm not here to argue Mexico is safe or that the U.S. is equally unsafe only that your, "The Horror" of what happened in this incident is a typical Surly overreaction and those shitting on that beautiful country are worthy of a huge eye-roll and a giant go fuck yourself. And those of you who have "Mexico friends" and talk about Cartel shit mainly only do so when you bring it up and it's merely tolerated. At least to your face. Yes, it is news BUT the average Mexican is about as concerned about the cartels in their day-to-day lives as much as you are concerned about the 80,000 missing persons or 18000 murders, and or the 400+ abductions in this country each year, so not much. It is their fact of life that they house the cartels, as much as it is our fact of life that we house the crackheads and homeless they supply in this country. Most people there, like here, are worried about putting food on the table and also what is happening with the fucking Kardashians.
I know some of you are still thinking IF ONLY Mexico was a country of laws like we are here in MURICA! Get over yourself. The truth is simple, economics rules the day in EVERY country. More money means more than 200k prisoners, compared to our 2 million, would be housed and taken off the streets there. Or maybe if they could afford more than having 1/3 our number of law enforcement. Or maybe if they didn't pay those bootlickers only 1k per month avg salary. Maybe just maybe if their citizens had a 2nd amendment they wouldn't be such a "shitty hellhole" of a country and could finally appease your entitled asses.