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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. 2 hours ago, Chopper said:

    My luck of the draw first college roommate was tall and thin and pasty. He'd drink a weird brew of some cleansing tea every night. It stunk up the room. When he spoke on the phone with his mom you could sometimes hear the anger seething in his voice. He was very quiet, wasn't interested in either sports, music or girls, had zero friends and I got a strange vibe from the guy though I can't recall many specific details about it and maybe there were none, I just don't recall. I hated spending time in my room; when he'd go away for a weekend it was like a huge dark cloud was lifted. I went to the dean of housing, told him about how uncomfortable I was with this guy and asking to be moved. The dean's attitude was, "You want me to go to the trouble of assigning you a different room because he makes a strange smelling tea?" I said, it's just very difficult to explain, he makes me uncomfortable and I am pretty sure he's gay. I don't know why I said that...I think it must have been my fall back in case the other reasons didn't work. Anyway, the school moved him to a single room within a couple days and I ended up with a nice, nerdy roommate.

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    After the first summer break, I returned for my soph year and one of my friends asked if I had heard about what happened to that first roommate. I hadn't. It was shocking. To make this less sickening to type, I'll just use the scientific terms to tell you what he did. Matricide. Necrophilia (with his mom). Then he turned himself in to the police. I learned later his older brother had committed suicide before he (my old roommate) went to college and he apparently blamed his mom.


    So was he ghey?  

    • Haha 1
  2. Okie lite will do absolutely dick with this win.  They blew their load on this game as if it were their bowl.  The students charged the field?  Wtf.  I'm sure they'll lose some irrelevant game down the road.  Damn shame we played such a poor first half.  Orlando is good but this one is on him.

  3. Here's what you do.  Wait until after 2pm.  Then drive around your hood looking for a parked mail van.  They usually are in inconspicuous spots under a tree.  When you find it approach and knock.  They will be napping so give them a minute.   Now, here's the most important part, give them your address and tell him the situation.  Then say, "I appreciate your service, sorry to have disturbed you during your daily nap."  I can almost promise you this should get your desired results.  

  4. 10 hours ago, SDG said:

    I’ll keep it brief for the TLDR crowd.

    I have Clink internet service and I rent a modem through them.  The last few months my internet service has been cycling off and on.  On Sept 16 the service went off for several hours so I called the service line.  The tech couldn’t get any kind of response to the signal being sent so he sent a tech out. A few hours later a tech arrived and checked the box down stairs and everything was fine.  The modem was the culprit.  He replaced the modem and was on his way. 

    Today I get a bill from Clink for $100 service call.  They want to charge me for trouble shooting and fixing their defective equipment.

    What are my options surly?   Would you pay the bill or go scorched earth?


    tldr: Provider charged me $100 for service call, trouble shooting and fixing their defective equipment.  What say shag?


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