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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. On 10/9/2018 at 8:05 PM, lonestar3 said:

    Haven't seen anything with any audio yet, but I'm 100% sure the last word out of Sam's mouth is "bitch" and not "pussy." 

    It may be that he said the whole take the loss pussy and then turned back around and said fuck you bitch or something along those lines. 


    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    That’s almost identical to who I had in mind. Would probably add Dennis Rodman instead of Gervin for defense and rebounding.

    I considered some others besides Gervin, but in the end, I wanted all my guys to be taller than their opponent and to be offense first.  Stockton, Isaiah, Gary Payton and Clyde.  I also considered Dr. J in lieu of Durant but i'll stick with my picks.  I think all my guys had a fair amount of blocked shots in their game.  

  3. On 10/8/2018 at 11:01 AM, Parliament said:

    And I'll add world hunger is falling...

    That is my understanding.  Some also argue world poverty, which correlates to hunger, may be overcome as early as 2030.  At least according to present day standards.  Now if we could only minimize the waste and maximize the food that is harvested/produced.

  4. Insurance is an old industry and, when honest, only make actuarial decisions.  I suppose if we dug into it there are statistics that show women cost more in claims hence the premium.  I don't know if they drive any worse than men.  Maybe on average they drive more hours in the day?  Maybe they drive more expensive cars?  Maybe the accidents they get in are more costly?  Many factors....agh who are we kidding they are shitty drivers putting on makeup or are on the phone.  

  5. The Choctaw story is a more recent alternative trying to explain why the name might have changed or referenced differently.  It as you argue a dumb argument if it is to be believed it would be more palatable.  If those who argue the racist version that a Mexican name was unacceptable then it should be just as dumb to have a Native American name.  My point exactly.  Which is why they never talked about or even named it after a Choctaw word.  It is French by the way.  I'll let you do the legwork.  There is no more evidence or credence to that version than any other fabrication.  Again, you make my point for me.  

    No one here really cares about the racist claims yet that seems to come up by some of you.  No one can know the motive of people then.  Who cares about that?  Why even bring it up?  Thats not even the argument here.  That is some theory by some judge.  It detracts from the facts and all the circumstantial evidence.  I think this is why many are being obtuse about it.  They just don't like being associated with "white guilt" and rewriting history due to racism.  This issue has little to do with any of that.  

    The state misspelled a dudes name.  The town named for that dude, according to 95% of history prior to the issue arising, continued the misspelling.  The logic for the change is that the dude served his country and state so lets at least get his name right.  Thats it.  Even if that story is made up, though 95% of history says otherwise, why fight the honoring of that dude?  Cause of a Choctaw word that maybe it was named for.  Seems un-Texan to me.  How do you argue that?   

    I agree that Perkins made a mistake by throwing that racism card out there.  I see now its the big detractor.  People would rather make that the issue.

    That said, to believe the dumb Choctaw story is dumb.  LMFAO!  First i was told Manchac preceded Manchaca but that same person sends me a document showing Manchaca in 1946.  Then they argue he was no where near the spring but then someone sends me a map showing he lived in the county!!!!!  I mean it seems i could show you a fuckin picture of him pissing on "the" spring and you still would say its either not him or not "the" spring.  Again, LMFAO.

    Anyway, to me the facts are that 95% of documents have always used Manchaca and later some reference Manchac Springs.  How you decide to name a town Manchaca when you meant the Choctaw Manchac is beyond me, but ok. 

    Lstly, no one is arguing for the pronunciation change.  Man- chac  is what i call it and always will.  I'm hungry now i'm craving Manchaca Fire Hall fries.

  6. 1 hour ago, Paco said:

    Why thank you. It looks like it was spelled both ways at the time. faf410cd6fc62a6b916749d5fe4ca788.jpg

    Haha, because the newspaper never reports errors.  You sound like an Aggie defending their history.  Dude, just stop already.  You're gonna feel silly when you see the map of where Menchaca's land grant actually is.  Hint keeping looking in Hays County just up the road.  

    No one is saying the name "Manchac" wasn't reported a handful of times in newspaper clippings.  Ask yourself this though.  Why was it called Manchac Springs to begin with?  Do you really believe it was named that because of a Choctaw word or better yet the French word for channel referencing a bayou on the Mississippi Delta?  Have you seen that huge ass body of water?  Also using your logic that thing is way more than 100 miles aways. Have you seen the springs in Manchaca?  Even if i showed you you'd barely be able to see what the fuck i was showing you.  That story just makes no sense. 

    I can tell you're enjoying this so I'll give you some more historical homework.  Look up Kyle Field and see why it is named that and where the family is from and guess who's neighbor they are.   Shhhhh, you go to sleep now.  

    • Fuck You 2
  7. 50 minutes ago, Paco said:

    You're either trolling or you're actually the shitbag judge. Either way you are flat out making shit up.

    Your "facts":
    Menchaca fought under Seguin in the Texas Revolution. True, but in 1835-36 there was no Austin, so I'm not sure where you get the notion that they rode between San Antonio and Austin many times. Pretty much everything was happening between San Antonio and Gonzalez.

    Then Menchaca participated in the Runaway Scrape which, now follow along, never went anywhere near Austin or Manchaca.

    After San Jacinto, Menchaca returned to San Antonio where he was a merchant and alderman. In 1842 he was given command over a frontier company that patrolled the area between San Antonio and the Rio Grande. If you will kindly reference a map, you'll notice that Austin, Manchaca, and Manchac springs are nowhere near this area. Are you keeping up?

    Menchaca was deeded land, and his name was misspelled. True. But his land was in San Antonio, which... wait for it...is once again absolutely not in the Austin/Manchaca area. You keep saying that, and it's complete bullshit.

    In September of 1842 Menchaca was wounded and captured by Mexican troops under General Woll. Upon his release he returned to civilian life and did not serve in a military capacity again.

    In his memoir, Menchaca never mentioned the springs. If it was actually named for him, I think there's a possibility that he would have mentioned it. Or not, who knows.

    Did Antonio Menchaca ride through the area many times? Possibly. Enough to make such an impression on the local population that they named the springs after him? Maybe. But the fact is the vast majority of Menchaca's military service was spent 100+ miles away, and most of that time the Austin area would not have been an important destination.

    You are so right.  I'm just glad i posted so that i could be proven so wrong.  

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