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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. I was at home still, about to head to the office, when the news came on about the first tower.  I was glued to the television and then saw the live feed of the second plane hit the second tower.   It wasn't until the pentagon was hit that I called the wife.

  2. 17 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    OK, the first time I was on the phone with her when she rear ended a BMW in front of her.  She gave me the "she stopped out of nowhere!" BS line.  My 12 yo daughter was in the car, who later told me she (the wife) seemed to be distracted.  It wasn't bad, but enough to cause significant damage to both cars.  The second time was MUCH more idiotic.  She turned into a curb cut that led into a grocery lot we've been to a million times.  But this curb cut has a sewer built into it so it doesn't gradually grade down, but more abruptly.  She turned in as another car was coming out and basically ripped the entire bumper off.  This was 3 weeks after getting it out of the shop.  And it was expensive enough that we had to go through insurance each time.  I shudder to think of what they are going to do to me upon renewal.

    That woman must have the purtiest mouth and best rack ever.  

  3. On 9/7/2018 at 8:59 AM, mapplewhite132 said:

    I honestly thought I'd killed the guy when it first happened. It was a really awful deal. 

    My pregnant wife was in the front seat, and we lost the baby as a result. 

    Oh my, my deepest condolences man.  Words escape me.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    I like to think that every white girl I ever struck out with was racist. There's no other reason they could possibly not want this. 

    Those speaking of Atlanta reminded me an incident a few years back.  I was in a hotel in Buckhead eating breakfast when i overheard, table directly in front of me with no fucks given, a blonde milf tell her two young girls that the "black" men serving them are the help and didn't stay there at the hotel like them.  Ok weird, but then added "we don't talk to black men".  Alrighty then.  My blonde wife gave me the let it go look.   

  5. Mid 80's i was walking home from school when i heard one kid call another the N word.  I remember it bothering me and felt it was wrong.  That was the only time i've ever heard it said, maliciously, out loud. 

    Then the 90's rap era lead to that word and all its deviations being tossed around between non blacks all the time, so there was that.  In High School it was no thing to use the terms like kike, spic, wetback, honky, polack, whigger etc.  It was all overt and and non malicious, almost mocking, use of the terms by a large number of guys i knew.  They were equal opportunity offenders.    

    At UT welcome weekend, or whatever it was called, some girl opened up in some group activity that she was from Westlake and had experienced racism adding specifically from white people.  I remember thinking the whole thing was weird.  Anyway she said some mom asked if she could take her home soon because her husband didn't approve of her kind.  Later heard the term sand _igger for the first time.

    Lastly at the first big accounting firm i worked at I had a guy say I was the coolest and smartest hispanic guy he'd ever met.  I laughed with him, put my hand on his shoulder and said well that's what you get for going to Tech and not Texas.  


  6. Also Boom is an interesting option.  I think he's made his mistakes at two stops and would hope he has learned from those and is moving forward to being a great HC.  Is his current OC all he could get at uSC or is he just not good at getting a solid OC.  His staff there looks like a patchwork.  He's similar to Charlie in this regard.  

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