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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. I worked at Sonic for a few weeks in High School.  A mom in a mini van, full of HS kids, pulled up five minutes before closing and ordered for everyone with changes to every item.  The assistant manager cooked the burgers in the fryer, as not to dirty the already cleaned flat iron, and then salted them on the filthy floors for good measure.   The burgers with extra lettuce got some extra nose lettuce.  That night he taught me to never pull up on a drive thru right before close.  I got my next paycheck and never went to that Sonic again.  

  2. On 5/24/2018 at 1:42 PM, Fred Willard said:

    Pizza boy in high school and summer and winter breaks in college. I ring the bell and two lesbians answer (can’t remember if it was a large sausage). They ask if I can come in and help them with their Xmas tree. I hesitantly agree. 

    They ask me to help them trim up the bottom of the tree. I say, ok where are the pruners? They scurry around for a bit and bring back a dull steak knife. Well I get to work with that knife and these gals are climbing all over me “helping” to pull back limbs while I saw away. I finish up and they tip me 20 bucks.

    Not penthouse forums. These were some 50 yr old bull dikes. No boner had. 

    You have a problem knowing when to stop don't you.

    • Haha 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Interesting move to re-state why you were suspended when the reasons have already been released by the party performing the suspension on you.

    If you parse the words from the investigation, I read it that Urban Meyer did not tell the truth to the media but he provided the investigation board with cover information to say he unintentionally did not tell the truth.  in other words, he lied but had reasons.      

    ""Coach Meyer, in our view, did not deliberately lie."

    • they admit he did not tell the truth
    • they can understand why others will believe he lied hence the "in our view"

    In earlier parts of the findings they state that Meyer falsely made a statement to the media.  How is that not lying?

    My guess is that Meyer's and his attorney attempted to get the board to say he didn't lie.  The board countered with that in their view, he didn't deliberately lie.  Meyer most likely fought that statement but the board wouldn't budge further.  Now he is pushing his view even though it doesn't match the board findings.


    It depends on what is  deliberately is.  

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