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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. Good to see no matter the color everyone seems to be breaking the rules.   That said 

    Are there biggots who are teachers at FB? Probably.  

    Are there blacks getting a raw deal at FB?  Probably. 

    Does this report support this discrimination?  No, not in my opinion.

    Even if it did, what percentage of cases can we remove due to discrimination?  10%, 50%?

    Even if you say 50% , which imo is high, of the in/out of school suspensions of blacks were unjust and removed it appears the data would still have them towards the top of the list. 

    Maybe kids, who happen to be black, are just breaking the rules at a higher rate?  Maybe not but if so why is that wrong with owning that?   

    Though anecdotal i know enough educators to know that they don't have time to carry out any racial agenda or bias.  And those that do i'd wager they are in the minority.  Certainly not at the rates that are being reported above.  I wish there were more solutions to helping educate all the kids in ISS rather than try and figure out what ethnicities that are there. 



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