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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. On 6/29/2018 at 6:54 AM, Jerry Callo said:

    Llano Estacado - northwest of Llano.  I guess the importance is knowing when to pronounce words with double Ls and when to pronounce as Y.  If you get it wrong, you're either not from here or annoying af.

    Username checks out

  2. 1 hour ago, slorch said:

    By the letter of the law, yeah it’s physical violence. In reality, it’s just an attention getter.  A wakeup call.The law protects the self-unaware fuckstick who does not abide...


    Love how everybody else’s solution is to just sit there and take it.


    Fuck that guy.

    Calling the cops was dumb.  Also, i'm usually for minding my fucking business.  Again, usually.  I think this situation called for that.  That said IF a guy was bothering me , while breaking a clearly posted rule, i don't give two shits about letting my sentiments being made known to an offender.  Especially if I perceived that person to be an inconsiderate dick who might just have lived a life of douchebagedness.  No need to call anyone else its easy enough to just say something and handle it right then and there.  Team Slorch on this one, i think, as i didn't read all his posts.  A Mr. Hand approach may have been best in this situation.     


  3. On 4/3/2018 at 10:10 PM, Brew said:

    Just to be clear though, it’s not the Panhandle which sometimes kids don’t like. We took another family with us last year and their young kids wouldn’t get in the water because they were not used to cloudy ocean water. They stayed occupied with shells, crabs, sand dollars, etc. but it is different. Cayo Costa and the resort area at Captiva are more clear than Sanibel though.

    Our future looks promising.    

  4. On 6/14/2018 at 6:08 PM, Sbbruin said:

    One of our cats has killed no less than 4 birds and deposited them around our house in the last week alone.  Yesterday it was a small dove.  She dropped it at my daughter's feet and then rolled around looking for praise.  I praised her and threw it in the trash.  I did not try to resuscitate. 


  5. 15 minutes ago, AustinMT said:

    ...There are some nice places on the wine-country trail, but the last time I was out there (about a year ago) it was populated by the load up on a bus and hit as many wineries as possible to get drunk crowd.  


  6. 1 hour ago, BearCountry11 said:

    Question for the wine snobs - which Fredericksburg (TX) vineyards are worth a visit?   I've done Grape Creek, Becker, etc. and have not been impressed at all.  The wife and I are going for the weekend.  

    Lets start with a few questions.  What impresses you?  Do you like wine?  Which types ?  Would you say you favor a Gewurtztraminer or a Cab?    

    Really, the point is to keep going/trying until you find what you like.  I'd start with a Yates, Hilmy or Will Chris, but you might like the Rose at Vinovium.  Who knows?

  7. texas-hill-country-wine-map.jpg


    While the wineries in TX are young,  i won't say in their infancy, the wine trail here in TX is vibrant and better/bigger than i ever considered or gave it credit for.  A few weekends back we hopped around doing tastings and thoroughly enjoyed our time.  Whether it was the tasting rooms from non Texas wineries or the Texas wineries we were pleasantly surprised.  I couldn't help but feel a bit proud of what are state is producing.  If you haven't been in recent years, take the short trip west, you won't be disappointed.  

  8. I'd skip Goode Co,  for breakfast, and go straight to Chiloso's instead.  Not even close, have Goode for lunch if you must.  

    If i moved away staples i'd visit again include Hugo's, Liberty Kitchen, Lankford Grocery, Niko Niko's, Fadi's or Laredo Taqueria.  



  9. On 6/8/2018 at 10:26 PM, WhatTheBuck said:

    Whether true or not that wouldn't validate Catholicism, Christianity, or any of the other Abrahamic religions as being true. Some Christians have done science in their spare time. That doesn't mean there's a scientific basis for Christian belief.

    Science is above religion. Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs and Jews, etc. have all contributed to our collective understanding of the natural world. Real, actual science doesn't involve religion (or politics). Most scientists in America today claim no religious affiliation. 

    Btw, the God of Abraham is an immoral monster god that can only be a human invention. Everyone old enough to drink should've figured that out by now. 

    I am always struck by how arrogant and seemingly bitter you are when these threads/conversations arise.  While I'd bet you bring value to other threads in these i have yet to understand your basis for your posts and frankly wish you would post less in them.  

  10. On 6/9/2018 at 10:14 AM, Homercles said:


    I sold my bike last year but had been riding for 12 years and this was my 12th ROT so I’ll bite.

    The rally is not downtown or the parade. It’s out at the expo center... We just stay at the expo now.


    Thanks!  Not a biker nor have i had an interest in the lifestyle/culture, but hey more power to you all.  Seems just like another reason to hang and have a good time with people i might not otherwise hang with.    

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