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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RollLeft

  1. im willing to understand if your wife or her sisters are anything similar to your avatar, maybe.
  2. Why? Are the comments triggering memories? Go get me a burrito...
  3. Hope solo thread is that way...
  4. Yeah, yeah and Roy Williams targeted Chris Simms in our endzone. Go cry somewhere else.
  5. Did you not get enough our freshman year of college?
  6. This trip out was work heavy the first week and I didn't venture out of Makati much. Firefly Roofdeck was noteworthy. Left there and this past week i've been in Boracay. If anyone is on the island pm me and we can catch the game, i've got sling, bring some San Miguel. Though i've been working there has been some relaxing. This place is a very, very underrated spot (though often makes the top 10 list of best beaches in the world). If you don't like staying near the masses avoid Station 2. Its where all the shopping and vibrancy is. In the evenings, as you can see in two of the pics, its also where you can do most of the sailing and other activities. For peace and quiet stay in Station 1 or the top of the island, see pic one. The sunsets are spectacular. ps. don't forget your health QR code to get into the country and then another QR code to get on the island.
  7. So if King wasn't there starter who was?
  8. Last month i was in Monterrey and ate at Las Pompas, brazilian steakhouse. They served all the same cuts we have here plus a few Mexican versions. Also the salad bar was all the items we have here plus many Mexican options. Price was $15 per head vs whatever we pay here. I think 50-60$? Today i'm in Manila and ate a joint equivalent to Beck's Prime. Only a burger and fries but instead of paying 20-25$ i paid $3.5. It was every bit as good, even bigger, as Becks and frankly at that price it was better.
  9. if? lmfao.
  10. The joke is on us. Goose didn't die! He faked his death, changed his name to Gilbert, and enrolled in Adams college to bang co-eds.
  11. Eating a great meal and paying 1/4 the price, in a foreign country, for the same meal in the states.
  12. If ever there were a video of the Surly that would be it.
  13. RollLeft


    I paid six dollars for the best massage of my life yesterday, so this thread hits close to home.
  14. You mean bags of cash have done enough...
  15. SEC is looking as good as BJ's beard.
  16. link to stream anyone?
  17. Malik looks a BEAST
  18. Damn. Didn't even run the ball and quit.
  19. Bobby Lee is an okie fan?
  20. ...balls.
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