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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. 8 hours ago, Mach 1 said:

    Wife and I took our eyes off the ball and let our kids passport expire before a trip to Greece next month.

    Ho-lee-shit, $1200 a piece for ultra expideted service. I started to leave to Google my ass off, or check this thread, but my wife is neurotic about things like this.

    Me: So this seems a little high.

    Him: Things are a mess since Covid, we're talking 3-6 months, maybe longer.

    Me:  Hmm, I think we need to do a little research.

    Him:  The issue is the Post Office.  Minor renewals have to go to the PO to confirm the parent/relationship in person. (Pause) And we've been in business for over 20 years and have a good relationship with some local Post Offices.  (He didn't wink, but he might as well have.)

    Me: (flips him the Amex for processing, cursing under my breath)

    Just another log on the fire for ridiculously expensive summer trips.  Our fault, but gotdamn.


    $1200 a piece to expedite? 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Rickylovesweed said:

    So when does aggy decide they need to get their shit together on NIL?

    They have to realize that while their under the table deals worked last year it's not a long term strategy. Or are they that stupid or do they not have the NIL capabilities? 


    What?  Don't you know!? aTm leads the way in NIL.  Everyone else is merely catching up this season.  Thats the only reason we or any other team is having any recruiting success this year.  

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    Hey Shithead Skip- your father wasn't the first person who left your family.  How does one say he had no relationship with either his brother or sister, but still loves them?

    You checked out. I listened to the whole piece and I think you're an exponentially worse cocksucker than I ever felt before that.

    Yes. He blamed everyone, especially his parents, except himself! And then to say for the whole world to hear "Steven A Smith was more of a brother to me than my real brother"...what a monumental POS!

  4. Was on a road trip, to visit friends, that included stops at Northwestern, Ohio State and ultimately Boston.  Last minute we decided to stop off in South Bend. It was a cold winter night, around midnight, and I relieved myself ON #1 Moses. I then looked for a bathroom in the touchdown haysoos building.  There i took a massive dump, wiped extra and didn't flush.  FU Powlus!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    Does seem to be a lot of bread in that class if rankings are accurate.

    I mean…err…trust the corches!


    Every class has "bread", even Bama.  Bread is every player that is not an impact player day one.  That is 75% of recruits in every class.  Also, TCU, Okie St. and others have been kicking our ass with bread for the last decade.  Development is our need and on that matter time will tell.  Right now, if the bread is on OL i'm ok with it, i trust Flood.  If its DL, i'm ok with it, i trust Bo.  If its any offensive position, I'm ok with it, I trust Sark.  If they are in the secondary or a LB i'd prefer we get 5 stars. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
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