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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RollLeft

  1. The plaque right above rests at El Arroyo yes?
  2. I stayed at the Watergate recently and though i looked I couldn't find plaque on my teeth so this hits close to home.
  3. i haven't wandered over to this desert in two years to read this. wow.
  4. the old saving stuff for the big game trick eh...
  5. this thread still sux
  6. 16 pages to say Tacos?
  7. You need to find a truck and tv and park in the middle of St. Peters square and tailgate. Wear a t-shirt with Gabriel on the back and blow a horn every touchdown!
  8. from Memorial City and soon i10 west.. F I G H T!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. You're Mexicaness, in particular your Monterreyness, is showing with all that Tecate and Topo Chico!!! I like it;)
  10. Lets do this fawkers! Omw to Austin in a few hours. Fk you get out of my way.
  11. If your chick wants to go to SMA then oblige her. It is marketed to women and they love that type of place. It is the Sante Fe of Old Mexico. Its a reminder of what Mexico used to be. It's a must, of the Mexico destinations, at least once. It's no longer at the top of my list, but I have friends that love it. I go there only for business or if she wants to. I'd stay away from Mazatlan and especially sleepy towns in that area. Its hot right now, not safe. Was in MX City the whole of last week. Lots of business/governmental meetings with the "transfer of power". The last few years have accelerated so much there and the future is bright with Grandpa out of the way. Better buy your property now. Soon it will be too late.
  12. Well yeah. So many rumors that Skip was zesty and gay. This was set up by him to put those rumors to rest. You don't accidentally go live on Instagram like he did. Too many steps involved. holy shit...just noticed the poster. wtf you been Vic? Still chasing fat tail or did you settle down after all?
  13. from the energy capital of the world T E X A S!!!!
  14. If you told me he was Roy William's son I could see it...
  15. I honestly couldn't tell you one song that Mfer sings and I like country.
  16. agitated and pithy surly is the best surly
  17. this is nice and all but was looking forward to your other usual photos...
  18. click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,click,
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