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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RollLeft

  1. You should pull out the shotgun and be vigilant of that people eating monster you bastard. Think of the children!!
  2. I don't see anything in seven loss Steve's head coaching history that tells me he's the guy for this job but my gut tells me this. Who he is and his career make him more prepared and inspire more confidence than Charlie or Tom ever did when they took over this program. That is a low bar and isn't saying much but it is progress even if the win/loss record says otherwise. The odds are stacked against Steve but again something tells me this former drunk is still progress over Charlie and Tom. Take that for what its worth but save starting from scratch, again, I'm left with no option but to hope this longshot motherfucker makes the decisions Charlie and Tom didn't after year one to right the ship. We will soon see as time always tells.
  3. I was never allowed the pink panther pancakes, damnit!!
  4. Popeye's? Everyone who lived in San Marcos, from that era, knows that you if you ate chicken you bought from Gil's Fried Chicken. Snack Pac's for the win.
  5. Were those the years that they had items for 59 and 79 cents?
  6. Bonanza not getting enough love on this thread. Sirloin Stockade is going strong in Mexico. Golden Corral > Ryans which can die in a fire. I tried a Pancho's, in 2019, in north Houston after 20 years and it was terrible, just awful. It to should die in a fire. Why one of the burger or chicken places didn't scoop up Grandy's and do a mix is beyond me. If Taco Bell can mix and sell LJSilvers. Surely Sonic can mix and sell Grandy's.
  7. I'm not certain but i think the K'Bob's there is now a newer expanded version, as of 2020. I remember a smaller old one that had Selena's signature at the door by the cash register. I also remember the locals telling me that the early 90's were big years that brought progress and change for that town. Apparently, TDCJ was putting in a unit nearby and therefore the city water treatment and supply was thereby being upgraded. I'm not joking.
  8. Got in from out of town. Yesterday I went out to see the symphony and then on to a nice dinner. On the way home, i became my father. He often, bewildered my mother, after going to a nice dinner would get home and immediately make a sandwich. In my case i stopped off at a McDonald's and tore into a McRib. Happy Holidays. ib.
  9. f that b
  10. oh and Terminator.
  11. Why do we park on driveways and drive on Parkways?
  12. There is a Pizza Inn on Mangum that is still going strong. I've never had Peter Piper.
  13. Or........you could just support the thread and just go guest on Jerry Springer on his ass.
  14. You should like your parents abandon your plans.
  15. Brother drove to Houston and got them renewed, for his kids, in one day. He had tickets for a trip though.
  16. It was Southwood theatre. I also saw Top Gun there and many others like Hercules with Lou, Conan the Barbarian with Arnold, Rambo with Sly. Strait was a late addition to that shopping center. Sun Harvest was one of the main stores there, in my era as a kid.
  17. Whats the word on Hitters BBQ?
  18. You make a solid point about the seafood at Thanksgiving its still a cooked dressing with oysters vs a cold and raw fish. Hmm what other seafood dishes are served on Tday?
  19. Um, this has to be the worst part of your story. I mean i love me some ceviche, but on Thanksgiving? Are you doing a potluck or is he just regarded?
  20. The most shocking thing about this is that the coach could distinguish Asians and knew something about Laos.
  21. There is also a worst playboy playmate.
  22. Am i the only one with some hope that some of the few posters that most of us have on ignore will, for once, make a decision to post in a thread some of us might be able to bare their bullshit? Surely they have a million stories and reasons of how and why they ended up the way they did. Not gonna name names....
  23. Greg Davis is a step up from being considered a midget with a man bun.
  24. This i understand and to me is different. This. Apple pie is not just the apples but the sweet filling besides the apple. Furthermore, I'm not opposed to dutch apple its just too sweet imo. Double crust is not sweet enough and too much crust. Lattice is perfect. I probably do need help. Jesus take the wheel.
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