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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RollLeft

  1. On 9/15/2021 at 4:02 PM, Kyrie Eleison said:

    man, years ago there was a titter right on the county line between Nacogdoches and Angelina, right on the river on the Nac side.  so the self-righteous fucks that are the Nac county commissioners passed an ordinance that no nude, offensive body parts or some such shit could be exhibited in public, so the dancers wore those see through body socks.

    had a dumbfuck friend finally shame me into going, and i shit you not there was a girl who was no less than 7 months pregnant on stage wearing one of those sock thingies, and goddamn if you couldn't see it all...including her hormone laden swollen ass vag, big ol' pregger nips that looked like Reese's with a raisin in the middle and her gotdamn prolapsed belly button.

    fucking hell, man...

    go on...

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