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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RollLeft

  1. By chance, i caught my first video of Justin Wells and Eric Nahlin yesterday. Damn, Nahlin still sucks. He has a face for radio and a voice for silent film. Justin was tolerable when on with Bobby and Gerry. He is not a good host and seems out of place in his new role. I want Gerry back with Bobby. That team rocked. Everyone else can stay away.
  2. someone post that clip of Herbstreit and Reece laughing at aTm, in the car, and asking what have they ever won?
  3. I look forward to pushing in DAn lannings shit one day....big time.
  4. What? Another season until the luster falls off enough from Riley to get Branch?
  5. I hear the ribs at your pool party were not great this year. Just sayin.
  6. Penix = DeBoers Teddy Bridgewater. Take from that what you will.
  7. After 15 years in the wilderness, I want an embarrassment of riches. I want ostentatious without apology. If Sark wins less than 3 championships I will be disappointed. That is the standard that I have justly set for that seven-win motherfucker.
  8. Coach O as our D-line coach would be good. Hell, that would be fkn great. Do it. Get him a fan if he visits.
  9. Picking an airline is like picking the tallest midget....err little person.
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