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Everything posted by Clintonaldo

  1. Dumb question alert. How much food and water is up there for the 2 astronauts stuck? It was an 8 day trip and now it’s going to be 5 months.
  2. I’ve been following him. Pretty bright guy imo
  3. Absolute dog shit swimming. My pool pace is 2:13 but I normally swim much better open water. For the half last year I swam 34 minutes and a guy close to me in ability swam it in 33. Last year he swam the full in 45 minutes so I’m praying for a current like that. The last 2 years the full has been fast swim
  4. Sept 29 which is the 1 year anniversary of my dad dying. I was going to pm you my name closer to race in case you wanted to follow.
  5. Yep. Not concerned. The elevation is actually the same and the road will be better. I drive the route often. The worst thing is 3 loops.
  6. The thing I still cannot reconcile is people like Vance and Kennedy and Cruze talking shit about him for years and then line up to suck his dick. Is it all about power ? Cruz is the biggest pussy of them all for doing nothing after Trump called his wife fat.
  7. It’s supposed to be announced Chattanooga is changing bike course as Georgia and Ironman cannot suddenly agree on cost. New course will be 3 laps and 8,244 of elevation ( which is double normal course ) and no damn shade at all. A hard day just got harder but my last ride had 6,000 of elevation gain and I felt good. Nothing I can do but do it.
  8. It’s interesting watching my speed turn to dog shit. Last year I could run a 1:28 half and now that I am not just running it gos away. It’s not a bad thing but it is humbling and sometimes hard not to run faster out of ego
  9. Tired legs but never got heart rate over Zone 3
  10. Thanks man. I have to constantly remind myself how lucky I am to feel so miserable sometimes. Good luck with your recovery.
  11. 6 weeks from tomorrow which means 4 more weeks of hard training.
  12. I didn't know she was racing in it. I will follow it more now.
  13. I lived about 10 miles from this crash.
  14. Nice work my man I’ve been in Florida for 3 days and haven’t done shit but drink. I feel awful.
  15. lol kind of. I just got to Florida today for a guys trip and the long run was hanging over my head so I said fuck it. I will still run down here and do 2 hours on bike but that is more manageable hungover.
  16. the real crime is that Bomber jacket.
  17. Wasn’t his name Kenny? That was rough
  18. She pulled to the leaders and just blasted them through the turn. One of the more impressive cycling performances I’ve seen. ( excluding my own obviously )
  19. Looks like you are there. Honestly, I would run the distance in the next few weeks and then start running around the time you think you will be running during the race for heat acclimation.
  20. I stopped at 85 since my riding partner needed to stop and I didn’t feel safe out there today alone. I felt good and easily had 100 in me.
  21. 100 mile ride and 2 pancakes tomorrow. Good luck
  22. Faster day today.
  23. Ok, so we had a 12 beer set back tonight. Snap and clear for tomorrow
  24. Had a decent weekend training wise but not enough bike time. Today I ran with a guy who is normally decent but I had to fire him at mile 11. Luckily, at mile 13 I saw a buddy and we ran the rest.
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