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Everything posted by Clintonaldo

  1. Our defense is such slop in the secondary.
  2. Lol they got punked in fucking Jacksonville.
  3. We ( Vols) have our best 3 offensive players out and best player on D out. Interesting to see if our QB can get a little more accurate as we might have a chance. Probably need to run our QB a lot imo
  4. Speaking of how great Dolly is we get a new book from her every month for our now 2 year old son. There is no telling how much she spends on this. Just a truly amazing woman.
  5. Won’t someone think of the reporters!!!!
  6. And the stock just went lower. I still cannot believe he doesn’t understand who is actually buying his product.
  7. ROFL BOX has appeared to be a decent dude over the years on here. I hope this is all a joke.
  8. I probably couldn’t park that any better. The vanity tag is the most offensive.
  9. How do y’all feel about parents helping pay for private school for your child? I am about to be 42 and with an almost 2 year old and he is the only grandchild on both sides so naturally our parents spoil him. When he starts private school in a few years my mother has made the statement several times she wants to help with his school. I said it isn’t necessary but she said she wants to do it. I am kind of torn on it because I feel like I am not independent if I accept that.
  10. I love my father in law but I could never take his money. We had a hard time getting someone come out to fix our dryer a few weeks ago and the sonofabitch just bought one for us and had it delivered and didn’t tell us until the movers were an hour away. I was kind of pissed about it because I didn’t ask or need his help. I felt like a child.
  11. Just ask them for the money Eddie. They sure as hell can’t take a hint.
  12. I got tired or borrowing people’s bikes and bit the bullet. I love it.
  13. All of this because he shot his mouth off and people egged him on to actually buy it. I have a buddy who last Friday was still parroting how he is owning the Libs yet couldn’t tell me why. I said before that I liked him a lot and then he called the dude trying to rescue the trapped kids a pedophile just randomly and I thought what the fuck was that about.
  14. The best part is if Elon does in fact stop paying rent a certain segment will boast how is just owning people.
  15. I am an idiot and was looking at time of day instead of pace so sorry about that. Looks to me like you just need more miles as there was a big drop off after 25k.
  16. You also might be starting out too fast as you are having a pretty large drop off in pace every 3 miles.
  17. In my opinion you have to run a full 26 before a race to get your body read. There is a reason a lot of people struggle at mile 22 and that’s because that’s as far as they go during training. Run slower but longer. Good job and I bet you shave 5 minutes off next time.
  18. Turning 42 in a few months and I run and eat healthy and now thinking of a heart attack nonstop.
  19. The people that used to make fun of his “ tree hugging cars” now slurp him. What a world.
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