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Everything posted by Clintonaldo

  1. I really didn’t want us to get involved but after Bucha I think we need to. This is at least a war that if my son went to I would understand it.
  2. Go ahead and put me down as anti Russian after what was done in Bucha and what’s being done to women and children. Fuck every one of them.
  3. Won’t someone think of the poor Russians
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. The world is a bunch of pussies just sitting by letting this happen.
  6. Goddamnit I do not want us to get into another war but if there was any country that deserved help from us it is Ukraine. I am tired of the rest of the world not caring about women and children being killed. I want to see dead Russian soldiers 24 hours a day now.
  7. I try to be the bigger person but I hope someone shoots that motherfucker.
  8. This made me laugh. Fuck Russia Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Doing a 6 person relay next weekend from Asheville NC to Greeneville SC and at the end it’s all you can drink. My runs are a 4 and 10 mile run. Should be a nice tuneup for May.
  10. Last week no matter what direction I rode I was in headwinds. Loved and hated it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Thank you and I thought that’s what you were going to tell me. My rest day is Monday so I swim then which is funny since you do that as well. Good thing about training in Chattanooga is I am already used to the hills as my last ride was 35 miles and total ascent was over 1,800 ft. Starting next week I am going to do an hour spin class Tuesday and Thursday at 5 am and after those classes do a 4 mile run and then in those afternoons I am meeting someone whose done Kona( and doing this one) and we will ride those afternoons as well. Looking forward to hopefully meeting you in May.
  12. Since you have done a few Ironman 70.3’s I figured I would ask you about training. I’m swimming 2 times a week, biking 3 times a week and running 3 times a week. On saturdays I will do something like bike 20 miles and run 6. How much more should I be doing for race in May? My longest bike ride has been 43 miles and felt great. I know I am ignorant on this since I haven’t done one and probably overly confident in some ways. My background is that I am a 41 year old college soccer player and have ran probably 15 half marathons and usually them around a time of 1:32.
  13. I get it and it’s a valid criticism. I’m just not ready to fire his ass yet. Don’t get me wrong.... there are some angry Tennessee fans and have been for 3 years but I feel like he has brought us to a good level. Can he get us to the next level.... probably 50/50 but he will leave the job in better shape when he leaves.
  14. Yeah, I gave him shit his second and third year here. He completely changed style of play in the middle of the season and we had a nice run late in the year. If they were playing uninspired tonight I would be furious but I just can’t do it.
  15. It will be interesting to see how far Michigan goes.
  16. I remember where we were before him. Last years early exit was garbage but I can’t really blame shit on him for this one. Sometimes the shots don’t go in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. As the only Tennessee fan here I’m not going to bitch. The effort was there. Sometimes shit just doesn’t happen.
  18. I don’t get caught up in seeding even though I think it’s horseshit that we beat Kentucky twice and beat Auburn this season plus beating Arizona. Just win
  19. Once we started playing our small lineup we got a lot better. I give credit to Barnes in that midway through season we completely changed style and it worked. Funny enough things improved after Texas game.
  20. This has been my thinking all along and why I think someone from within his party kills him.
  21. I am very much pro Ukraine and yeah I agree. I probably shouldn’t have made the half assed attempt at humor.
  22. I need this to last until football season.
  23. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. It’s like Days Of Thunder.
  24. Thanks. I spent 45 minutes in the pool this afternoon and it went a little better. I am trying to swim like I run so I am working on trying to remain calm.
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