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Posts posted by conVINCEd

  1. Apple Watches here as well.  It really doesn’t matter until they are living alone.  Grandma fell and broke her hip 6 months after grandpa died.  In a senior living facility and she laid on the bathroom floor for over a day before someone checked on her because she missed multiple meals.  Died of pneumonia a month later in a rehab facility.  The watch makes them feel young and hip.  The necklace/lanyard thing makes them feel old.

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  2. I have a butter churn and cast iron skillet that I eventually inherited from my great grandmother.  Beyond those two items, I’m fairly modern.  The parents still have two landlines.  The second is for a dedicated fax machine.  They have both been retired for 10+ years.  I showed them how to scan docs and send the with their phones/tablets, but that was a no go.  They want to fax them.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I have an irrational distrust of horses.  They’re beautiful animals, but I prefer to not get too close.  They can do a lot of damage very quickly.  I personally know two people who were seriously injured by horses.  They’re just too temperamental.  I’ve been close enough to a lion that I could’ve reached out and touched it if I wanted to, and that felt like a safer situation than being that close to a horse.

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  4. The only time I had an opportunity to really test the reliability of the USPS was when we mailed 100+ wedding invitations.   Failure rate was around 8%.  We had the correct addresses, confirmed with follow up phone calls, and 8% of our invitations didn’t get to their destination.  This was about 10 years ago.  I no longer use the USPS for anything I consider important.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Seth Meyers Please GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

    If this is the first conversation they’ve had on the subject the Secret Service is slipping.  A friend’s older brother, who I had met maybe 5 times, was applying to the Secret Service and I had an agent knock on my door and interview me for 20 minutes.

  6. 14 minutes ago, immamac said:

    The judge is going to hold him in contempt. He did this on purpose since the judge didn’t come down hard today on it. I think he’s playing a game of fuck around and find out with someone who isn’t fucking around. 

    He wants to go to jail.  Temporarily.  Any excuse to play the victim card.  They aren’t going to throw him in gen pop at Rikers.  He will be inconvenienced for an afternoon then grift $100M from bitching about his persecution.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    I'm thinking about the teachers in my hallway and which ones I would trust to handle a firearm in a crisis. And the answer is none of them. 

    But on the positive side, I bet if I start flashing my piece, more students will turn in their homework. 

    I know a lot of teachers.  At my wife’s elementary school the only male teacher is the PE teacher.  A very bright former marine who took a job in the most target-rich environment imaginable.  He literally has the only penis on a campus full of hot teachers  and MILFs having a variety of marriage issues.  He can have a gun.  Maybe the principal, who seems like a no-bullshit bitch who might enjoy filling someone who invaded her school with lead.  The rest of the faculty is a hard no.  I bought a little revolver a few years ago after we had a few breakins in the hood.  Took the wife to the gun range so she could get comfortable with it and that was a no go.  One trip to the range and she wouldn’t go back.  She would probably rather just take a bullet for her kids than engage in combat.

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