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Posts posted by conVINCEd

  1. 29 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:


    Wife’s aunt has a shitty beach house on a fantastic lot in North Myrtle Beach. It’s over insured so she’s hoping it’s leveled so they can build something nice.


    When I had a shitty car with lots of mechanical problems, I hoped for something similar.  I was at work, and a hail storm was coming in.  Everyone was running outside to move their car to the parking garage.  I ran out and moved mine to the roof of the parking garage.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Upgrayedd said:


    Make sure your DUI record is clean or else getting into Canada is tough (t least it used to be).  Don’t want to be going thru customs to find this out only to get bussed back to the US.  If so, pick the passenger side of the bus going back- it’s better scenery.

    That fucking sucks.  All good on that front.

  3. Yeah, I'll do the upgraded demo package for myself for that reason.  I'll go basic for the wife, but will probably upgrade her boots for the sake of wanting her to enjoy skiing.  It's bizarre that I haven't skied in 5 years, but sometimes life's circumstances conspire against you.  Met my wife 4 years ago, got married 2 years ago, and the travel budget has just been a little weird during this time frame (her family is scattered across the country, lots of weddings in expensive places, and a honeymoon that we spent too much money on). Feels like we're finally approaching normalcy. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    The struggle is real...

    Now it's do you bring your own skis/board or rent ??!!

    Well, that's easy.  My stuff is really old and the wife has nothing.  For what the airline will charge for me bringing my old shit, I'm sure I can rent something better.  If this becomes a regular thing, I'll probably grab some new skis and boots for myself prior to the next trip.

  5. Gonna pull the trigger on Whistler in the next few days once we get the dates nailed down.  4-5 days there with a couple in Vancouver on either the front or back end.  There are a couple of direct options out of dfw, so it’s just 2 extra hours on the plane.  If there weren’t direct flights available I would’ve gone with Park City.  

  6. A few months ago I was in Charleston for a wedding.  Met some of my wife's family who told us that we could use their house on Folly  Beach anytime we wanted to, which is nice, because I really like Charleston.  Now it's going bye bye????  I has sad.

  7. Thinking about taking a trip for the first time in 5 years.  I would like to go somewhere new.  I have been damn near everywhere in Colorado and New Mexico, but nowhere else.   I'm a pretty good skier, but my knees don't care care for the bumps in my advancing age.  I do love me some steeps though.  My wife has never skied but would like to learn, and if she hates it she is fine just spending some time in the mountains and contributing her lift ticket money to the local economy.  I would like a place that has a good ski school, because I want her to like it as I enjoy skiing and would like make this an annual trip. We would be renting a condo and would like to have good dining options.  On this particular trip I don't really care about nightlife.  Help me choose between Whistler, Tahoe, and Jackson Hole based on the above criteria.  Also please feel free to suggest somewhere else, those are just 3 places I've always wanted to go.

  8. 2 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

    The warrant states she t that she's in the wrong apartment?urns on the light and when 911 operator asks where she is, she goes to the door to get the # and discovers she's in the wrong apartment. You mean turning on the light in someone else's apartment doesn't clue this idiot cop in that she's in the wrong apartment?

    I can't make any sense of this.  My first thought was she was hammered, yet she hit her target with a handgun with a 50% success rate, which is not easy to do sober.  The door was ajar thing bothers me.  From photos, the apartments look like they are relatively new construction.  The last new construction apartment I lived in had self-closing doors, and I think that's pretty common in new builds.  In order to leave the door ajar, you would have to physically stop it from closing, and intentionally leave it open.  

  9. 27 minutes ago, troph said:

    GTFO with that good Christian bullshit. Christ almighty. Wow.

    It exists.  And it exists among people you would probably associate with without doing a deeper dive into their beliefs.  Shit, my uncle died a few months ago and Trump was mentioned in several of the eulogies.  In a positive manner.  That wasn’t the time or place to pick a fight, but I did make a few mental notes about folks whose opinions I will no longer pay attention to.  Evangelical Baptists suck.

    • Like 1
  10. Had a family event tonight.  I won’t tell you the exact description of the event for fear of losing my man-card.  My sister’s father-in-law at one point called Trump a good Christian man.  I rolled my eyes, and made sure he saw me rolling my eyes, and we left about 5 minutes later.  

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Got damn credit card hacked AGAIN.  Seems to happen about once a year these days.  Now I have to go through and find and change everything that's on autopay.

    If that makes you surly, try running a small business where 70% of your revenue is from customers on autopay.  

    • Like 1
  12. Thanks.  I don't think it's police brutality, or at least not in the way that we are accustomed to using that term.  At some point she chose to take her gun out of her holster. That's a pretty serious choice, and I presume she has had extensive training on how to make that choice.  And then she chose to use it, another very serious choice. Any scenario that does not involve the guy pointing a gun at her when he opened the door is criminal imo.

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