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Posts posted by conVINCEd

  1. 19 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Yes, there is probably an element of racism to this.  But it's looking more and more like a tragic accident from both sides.

    Admittedly I had a little too much brown liquor last night (thanks Tom), but have I missed an update on this story?  Because I am having a difficult time constructing a narrative where this is a tragic accident.  I'm seeing some version of negligent homicide/manslaughter as the floor and murder as the ceiling.  

  2. I got married during the football season in Austin.  The wedding was outside and the wife had 2 requests:  she didn't want to sweat her ass off, nor did she want to freeze it off.  That gives you a window of Oct-Nov and Mar-Apr to have somewhat of a guarantee of decent weather.  It can get hot in May, and it can get cold in February.  The Mar-Apr window was eliminated due to us not wanting to wait an extra 5 months.  Dates that were automatically eliminated were TX/OU and Thanksgiving.  ACL and F1 race weekend were eliminated because hotels were crazy expensive.  Then it gets tricky.  The wedding was in the evening, so looking at the schedule a year in advance, you have to try and accurately predict the kickoff time.  LHN complicates this is there are a few contenders every year for the LHN conference game. I made my best guess, and picked a date (there were only 2 to choose from when factoring in venue availability).   Fortunately, I guessed correctly and we got an 11:30 kick.  Most friends/family went to the game and then came to the wedding.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, LongestHorn said:

    In the interest of transparency, I would like to watch the lie detector results live and in real time when each WH staffer is asked if they believe POTUS is fit to hold the office.

    Put that shit on PPV and it could pay for Space Force.

  4. I talked to Rick Perry briefly at Bert's BBQ (MLK location).  He approached me like a campaigning politician.  I was studying for an exam while eating a T-man.  I have a lot of respect for Gary and Tom, and I know where they sit on the political spectrum, and that respect is the only thing that kept me from telling him to go fuck himself.  That being said, can we please have Rick Perry as our president?

  5. 1 hour ago, deadshank said:

    What does this have to do with poaching?  Legal hunting and import does not equal poaching and illegal import.

    There is zero reason to kill these animals at all.  Spend some time in their presence.  I went to Africa with preconceived notions of what my favorite animals would be, and elephants wouldn’t have made my top 3 going in (I was more interested in the big cats).  They emerged as a solid #1.  Such gentle giants.  The youngins are so playful, and the elders indulge them in their playfulness.  Any act that tacitly encourages or approves of the killing of them is wrong.  Period.

    I’m not a big hunter (I’ll go on a random dove hunt every 4-5 years).  But I can acknowledge the fact that many hunters harvest deer for the meat, and I’m fine with that even though it’s not my particular cup of coffee. That is not the case here.  If the locals were killing elephants for the meat to provide for their families, I would be a little sad, but acknowledge it as people providing for their family.  The people killing elephants and rhinos in Africa are doing it to provide the Asian market with pseodo-remedies to, among other things, make their dicks harder.   Take a couple of viagra and leave the fucking animals alone.




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  6. 6 hours ago, elfenix said:

    whenever i log into bank of america it tells me it's noticed some missing or incorrect contact info.  i check, and it's all correct.  and there's nothing missing either.  does it want a 3rd mailing address and phone number?

    They want you to call so they can try to sell you something.

  7. I told her I would do a seafood boil for dinner tonight if she went to the store.   I gave her a specific list of ingredients.  We have shopped together for this exact meal before.  She knows that I like Central Market's andouille sausage from the meat counter.  She brings home some pre- packaged turkey andouille.  At least the shrimp, crab legs, potatoes, and corn were good.

  8. I ordered Texadelphia through uber eats the other night as it was a crazy day for the convinced household.  Ordered queso, we received no queso.  I just received a notification from uber that they credited me $4.75 for the queso.  Bravo uber and thank you for resolving my issue relatively quickly.  Fuck you uber for not crediting me the sales tax as well.  I’m not going to go on a jihad over 35 cents, but if this is uber’s policy, they are stealing the sales tax on every incorrect order.  

  9. 95% of the time my order consists of some combination of brisket, beef ribs, and pork ribs.  I think I’ve had the sausage once and it was fine.  I’m not a huge sausage fan.   I can certainly appreciate it when it’s outstanding, and I would absolutely order it if I was at a place that is known for having great sausage, but if I’m getting 2 meats, it’s brisket and pork ribs.  Never done pulled pork or turkey either.  I do the try a little bit of everything when I’m at a destination bbq place, but when I call it in on a Tuesday night and pick it up on the way home, it’s a 2 meat plate for me and a sandwich or baked potato for the wife.  They discontinued offering 2 meat plates about 6 months ago, which irked me, because now I pay $3 more than I used to for the same thing.  But it’s still good, so I still go.

  10. Ten50 has always been pretty good.  The fact that they’re 5 minutes from my house means I’ve been a pretty frequent customer since they’ve opened.  They’ve stepped up their game the last few months.  I don’t think they’re the best in town, but they can now sit at the big boy’s table and not be out of place.

  11. 18th and Vine was fine when it opened.  Not good, not bad, but fine. We had a party thrown for us there shortly after it opened and I had no complaints.  We went back twice (gift cards) and it was progressively worse each time.  The last time we ate there was probably 2 years ago, and we have no plans to return.

  12. I knew what it was when I saw their menu.  18th and Vine but maybe a little better??? My wife teaches in HP, and as a result of that, we have a lot of random restaurant gift cards she receives from parents.  Smoky Rose is a little random for HP, but it’s divorced parents and one of them lives around the corner. 

  13. 6 hours ago, Thujone said:

    Guess we'll have to go again. Been there three times and the BBQ was a load of shite. But it was only within a few months of their opening. That place is always slammed. They are raking it in. But I've always thought it was the bar. 

    I’ve had a gift card from here for a few months and haven’t been real motivated to use it based on reviews here.  May give it a shot this week.

  14. 3 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    I signed up to text for Beto today. Ready for to see all the creative ways people tell me not to contact them again. 

    (817) 381-XXXX?  You’re fucking agressive.

  15. 1 minute ago, Ghost of LL said:

    We have a protocol for that eventuality in my house.  Mrs.LL will promptly run (not walk) to Twin Liquors and buy every bottle of champagne in the store.  By the time it's iced down, I'll be home--at which point we're opening the house to the neighborhood. 

    That will be a Pappy day.

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