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Jack Handey

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Everything posted by Jack Handey

  1. I boiled the water for 4 1/2 minutes and now it tastes burnt. 3 minutes is the right amount of time.
  2. Correct, first 3 pay out. Haven't seen or heard anything either
  3. Fun season. Any word on payouts?
  4. God bless you, Sam Ehlinger. God bless you. And fuck you, little midget. Enjoy the minor leagues.
  5. I was 100% sure we were going to win this game
  6. I’m hammered. It was a delay not flase start. Omg wtf I quit
  7. So I’m guessing Directvnow has a delay over you 1%ers
  8. Poker? I hardly even know her
  9. I canceled online and they offered $25 off per month for 3 months
  10. Cut UVerse last year and have tried cord cutting over the past few months. Glad I did it but there is no perfect answer: Directvnow - free apple TV, LHN requires $50/mo sub YoutubeTV - no LHN but has MLB, $35/mo is good, most locals (no NBC) PSVue - seemed to be laggy for the week I tried it but may need to give it another shot, LHN/MLB in the $45/mo sub
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