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Certifiably Surly
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Bullneck last won the day on March 7 2024

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20263 Surly 1%

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  1. Polka talk not going away.
  2. That would be them (Robstown https://www.jbpavelkainc.com/ ). This would be where:
  3. 1,100 (Eleven hundred). The old Pearl Beer slogan was "From the Country of 1,100 Springs." (Edit: UTCzech beat me to it. UTCzech probably knows the Pavelka Brothers).
  4. You know, I was just going to post a couple of statistics from that article but they just get better and better. And they used the word "tumbled." When it comes to economics, "shrink" and "negative" are bad but "tumbled" is Ooff worthy: Texas factory activity fell in February after rising notably in January, according to business executives responding to the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey. The production index, a key measure of state manufacturing conditions, fell 21 points to -9.1. Other measures of manufacturing activity also declined this month. The new orders index fell 11 points to -3.5, and the capacity utilization index slid 14 points to -8.7. The shipments index remained positive but edged down to 5.6. Perceptions of broader business conditions worsened in February. The general business activity index tumbled 22 points to -8.3, and the company outlook index fell 24 points to -5.2. The outlook uncertainty index shot up to 29.2 from a near-zero reading last month, reaching a seven-month high. Labor market measures suggested flat head counts and shorter workweeks this month. The employment index came in near zero, with 12 percent of firms noting net hiring and an equal share noting net layoffs. The hours worked index slipped to -14.2, its lowest reading since mid-2020. Input cost pressures intensified in February, while wage pressures retreated slightly. The raw materials prices index pushed up 18 points to 35.0, a multiyear high. The finished goods prices index inched up to 7.8, near its average level. The wages and benefits index edged down to 16.7 from 20.9.
  5. With the Academy Awards coming up, Trump gives you this: It beats out the Ron DeSantis bodybuilder video for the Oscar. There's something funny about the dancers at :16 but I can't put my finger on it.
  6. Grandmother was first generation German immigrant from Nordheim/Orange Grove.
  7. Random thought: Pearl Beer was from the country of alebmhunert (give that a try) springs. I wonder how many of those sprangs are still working.
  8. Live look at WV right now!!!
  9. Fuck all that: what does the D in Kamala D Harris stand for?
  10. Eddie Nketiah is at Palace? Is he on loan or something? WTF?
  11. "This little girl is afraid to leave." MAGA on MAGA violence!
  12. Roger Staubach sighting.
  13. Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of tards out there livin' really kick ass lives.
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