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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. God I hope some the WTA players who get TV time through the year are comely lasses. Sakkari and Gorgi-level at least.
  2. Did Liverpool do something in the offseason I'm not aware of, other than let Klopp retire? He was a god there and now that he's gone they're actually good. WTF?
  3. Things not going well at American Airlines
  4. Moved to Bad Things Around the World thread.
  5. Traylay is a busy girl. She keeps her eyes peeled for pedophiles and migrants!!!
  6. This can't be real? https://x.com/ThomsonSherin/status/1893162385827078643
  7. https://www.christiancentury.org/features/new-bonhoeffer-movie-isn-t-just-bad-it-s-dangerous
  8. I love those are all old white people. But I'm sure Trump will soon issue an executive order banning town halls.
  9. I guess this goes here.
  10. Neapolitan. Only. That's the end of the list.
  11. Not getting enough love ^^^ Not for long he ain't:
  12. And to think some people doubted you.
  13. This one is even better:
  14. Robert McCabe seems to not understand that Trump and his rich friends don't want anyone with any kind of fine-toothed comb coming around and looking at their taxes. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/former-irs-worker-who-supported-president-trump-speaks-out-after-being-laid-off/4114957/ If you watch the video you'll hear about how McCabe was unemployed for eight months after being laid off, was probationary at the IRS for four months, and now laid off again. I wonder if he's anti-union?
  15. When they a MAGA man's parents die of what could have been a treatable cancer, when his wife dies during an ectopic pregnancy, his brother lives on the streets after getting dumped out a VA hospital with PTSD, when his company president dies in a plane crash, when his kids suffer the effects of measles, and food is skyrocketing and interest rates on his variable mortgage make his home unaffordable, maybe he'll wonder if maybe he's been duped.
  16. Someone offered that she was far more qualified to be SoD than him, but . . . I don't really think she caved in because of political pressure; it was likely more fear of the Proud Boys.
  17. You mean all the people who just got hit by that hurricane and the floods and all? That would be really bad. Remind me which states are all in for this guy?
  18. Negged for the dumbness. Dude. You went to Lamar, didn't you? (Edit: this news flash just in! Smoking does not cause cancer. How was this discovered? Well, no one gets cancer after smoking a pack of cigarettes. So, no direct connection).
  19. Well, then: it's settled! (This world is too complex for some)
  20. This. You play until there are 0:00 on the clock.
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