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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Apparently there's no such thing as an uncatchable pass.
  2. Why the fuck did you throw the ball. Who told you to throw the ball?
  3. Amazing how things have changed. I had a roommate that played Div 1 football in the '70s and he said his team voted down going to the Sun Bowl.
  4. Man, that's a blast from the past.
  5. T-E-X-A-S A-G-G-I-E Fight! Fight! Fight-fight-fight! Fight, Maroon! And White-white-white! A-G-G-I-E Texas! Texas! A-M-C Gig ‘em! Aggies! 1-2-3! Farmers fight! Farmers fight! Fight! Fight! Farmers, farmers, fight!
  6. After they’ve boosted all the rest Then they will come and join the best For we are the Aggies, the Aggies are we We’re from Texas AMC
  7. 2003-4-5 was a long time ago . .
  8. We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we True to each other as Aggies can be We’ve got to fight boys We’ve got to fight! We’ve got to fight for Maroon and White
  9. Wow, Lincoln's record: 11-3 8-5 6-6 He gone get fired.
  10. And now for the main event!!! Both scintillating and pulsating.
  11. Finally Arky decides they might win and uses the Victory Formation. But what a bunch of assholes.
  12. I guess that 9th win in a season will have to wait.
  13. Been watching football since the '70s and don't recall ever seeing two safeties in a game.
  14. Holy shit I thought was an int.
  15. Play calling on this drive has been unimaginative.
  16. Wait, where's the rest of that stadium?
  17. Wonder why you don't see him in those Heisman House commercials.
  18. From what I've seen of Pittman he comes off as a decent guy and someone you'd want to play for.
  19. Game is off to a roaring start and 15 minute delay to review one play.
  20. Apparently McGuire grew up an Arky fan. That explains a lot.
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