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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Just saw a Harris ad with the slogan "Let the Future Begin." I don't watch too much TV so maybe it's been out there for a while and I just missed it. Here it is:
  2. Forgetting for a moment about the bear cub killing and the bitcoin buying and anti-vaxing and the rest of the crazy and stupid shit: there's no way a guy with a voice like his could ever get elected to anything, right?
  3. https://www.facebook.com/reel/488806506856526
  4. This is a month or so old and I can't vouch for the accuracy, but . . .
  5. (I guess we'll see if this is a good idea or it dies in two days)
  6. No idea where I found this (maybe here?)
  7. Our CEO loves Trump. The weird thing is he's pretty sharp and insightful about a lot of things, and more so than most of his division presidents. It's a complete head scratcher.
  8. Ben Shapiro is a special kind of bitch but they might want to cool it with the conspicuous consumption, tho. It's giving me Louise Linton vibes.
  9. Everyone gets their picture taken at basic training. It's your obituary photo if you happen to get killed.
  10. Edited for source: https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/ulysses-s-grant-s-controversial-visit-to-ireland.htm#:~:text=During his speech%2C Grant remarked,went on to say%2C "Encourage
  11. Maybe the best VP pick is the one with the least baggage v. the one who might delivery the most votes. #teamwalz
  12. Yes, yes I am. But you don't know anything about that.
  13. You're dropping the argument (because you're the bigger man). In your defense (you were just asking questions). Homeboy then immediately implied you were stupid (so you had to defend yourself). You got one of your facts about margin of victory wrong (but admitted it, so you're all good. You also "mis-spoke" about Shapiro and the death penalty. You hadn't insulted anyone at that time (but maybe later, but you're programmed to retaliate or "clap back." Hey, you can't stop heredity!). But it's your fault?
  14. Fantana is going to turn this thread to shit like he did the Israel thread. instantly triggered name calling.
  15. Two things: 1. Rove lives in Austin now? 2. I guess he's taking lessons from Katie Porter now with that whiteboard.
  16. Apparently you haven't spent much time in the Israel thread.
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